Professor Rat? No. PJ Proudhon! While more famous for his " Property is theft " statement, PJ also recognized a peasants tools provided them with income enough to buy a little freedom now and then. But as anyone in possession of any property knows you have to be able to keep it. And this instantly exposes all Libertarians as Minarchists ie statists since who else will protect their propertarian hallucinations? I will take my chances on an anarchism that won't tolerate any public - or private armies of paid police. Or rapists and attempted murderers posing as Journalists and peace-loving agorists - like Julian and Ross. Those who steal must pay and self defense is a legal defense against any murder charge. None of this is hugely controversial in anarchist circles. Most political reformers have some part of the unfree system they wish to abolish Republicans would abolish the monarchy, Secularists would abolish or disestablish the Church, Socialists would (or used to) wish to abolish the apparatus of exploitation; pacifists would abolish the Army. Anarchism is unique in wishing to abolish all. I used to feel like a fringe anarchist back in 2003 for advocating APster - but not so much now most anarchists are being flanked by the likes of Lindsay Graham. The times are beginning to suit me. I suspect most anarchists these days don't violently object to a common and convenient means of exchange and friendly neighborhood markets. They're even adjusting to netcentric ways and means of satisfying all their important needs. If someone like me can educate and recreate themselves online while gaining love-interest and crypto-cash windfalls then most anyone else can. I would quote more from my 70's acquired edition of ' post scarcity anarchism ' but an unfortunate printing error ruined that book for me. TL/ DR I see freely federating producer and consumer co-operatives satisfying the anarchism of the future. You're mileage may vary.