Let me know if you want a collaborator. I have a few things to get off my queue too. On 7/6/14, 12:28 PM, Lodewijk andré de la porte wrote:
One of these months I will continue work on a paper reg. semantic addressing and a true IP layer replacement. I feel bad having talked about it for /years/ now, but life and inexperience haven't really allowed me to make a great paper out of it. One of these months.
One of these months I will also write about a federated protocol that feels a lot like twitter meets IRC meets Wordpress meets e-mail meets FidoNet. It's all really the same problem anyway, you know?
One of these months.
-- Stephen D. Williams sdw@lig.net stephendwilliams@gmail.com LinkedIn: http://sdw.st/in V:650-450-UNIX (8649) V:866.SDW.UNIX V:703.371.9362 F:703.995.0407 AIM:sdw Skype:StephenDWilliams Yahoo:sdwlignet Resume: http://sdw.st/gres Personal: http://sdw.st facebook.com/sdwlig twitter.com/scienteer