20 Sep
20 Sep
1:55 p.m.
On Tue, 19 Sep 2017 19:13:06 -0400 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
Tor is a honeypot. Does that make you happy like :)
the fact that a very 'popular' 'anonimity' network is s US military honeypot isn't a happy fact is it?
Or maybe this... http://dtt6tdtgroj63iud.onion/
You don't need an unintentional self-parodying parody like that one =) If you want tor parody, then check http://*.onion/
While at it, why not use your expert powers of inspection, respecting your philosophies, to analyse and render your succinct and thought provoking wisdom to these random selections too...
Why do you want to change the topic? The topic is tor, the fake anonimity network created and onwed by the US military.