Here's the first result of a google search for "who can visit mecca": " WARNING: Non-Muslims are strictly prohibited from entering the city of Mecca. The penalty is deportation from the country. Documentation will be checked upon entry and anyone not showing proof of being Muslim will be denied entry. As a solitary exception, the Mecca bus terminal (outside city limits) is open to all. Mecca travel guide - Wikitravel wikitravel.org/en/Mecca " Other results: "The reason for the prohibition lies somewhere between the fundamental requirement as well as the policies of the state of Saudi Arabia." "Why do non-Muslims want to visit Mecca or Medina? How can you break into Mecca as a non-Muslim?" "It is a strict Muslim country and it's their country so they can do what they want but" "http://www.wnd.com/2015/03/the-story-of-a-non-muslim-eyewitness-in-mecca/ The Muslim has an exclusive spirit, a deep wariness of all infidels and especially of the Westerners who study him, the perfidious Orientalists. The Saudi authorities prohibit non-Muslims from venturing within 15 kilometers of Mecca or the other holy city, Medina. Infidels who are discovered in the sacred precincts can expect severe punishment. " American emmigrants beware... Mecca is a sanctuary city.