On 06/03/2017 02:48 PM, Travis Biehn wrote:
James, You're looking for a quick and easy way to discover all persons' political and ideological compatibility based on all public and private communications - of course, facilitated by some membership-based secret escrow scheme (backdoor.)
In fact, a lot of different groups have this same problem - how do you discover which populations belong to which ideological groupings; why not employ some handy algorithms to make a judgement for you?
Quite the idea, the good people at Palantir might be able to help you out.
That's very much a done deal already: Search bubbles, egocasting, etc. Google's search engine, for instance, delivers results biased to comply with the known interests and beliefs of individual users. The profiles used for this process are developed from very extensive user surveillance; over 90% of a typical user's network activity is visible to Google through these vectors: - Google Analytics ("free" traffic analysis for website owners) - Google Ads (plus DoubleClick and others Google has absorbed) - GMail (including traffic to and from GMail users by non-users) - Ubiquitous G+ "Like This Page" buttons on 3rd party websites The Facebook is in the same business, continually updating its profiles of all account holders, which are used to target advertising /and/ to build user engagement by presenting a mixture of both bias confirming and offensive content from "friends" and "friends of friends." From time to time I have had access to other users' Facebook accounts and what I have seen is somewhat disconcerting: A completely different "world" is presented to users with significantly different personal histories, interests and biases. In addition to every mouse click and keystroke entered on The Facebook's own site, their "Like This Page" buttons infest 3rd party websites, each a surveillance beacon phoning home to report the arrival time, identity and (probably) departure time of every visitor who does not use countermeasures to prevent it. I have not reviewed The Facebook's terms of service lately, but initially this document asserted the users' consent for intelligence gathering against them via 3rd party sources including press notices, public records, data swaps with "partners" and etc., and the users' consent to have any or all of this data sold or given away to anyone in the world at The Facebook's sole discretion. I have occasionally created social media accounts for propaganda purposes, presenting as an engaged user with the interests and biases of the audience I aim to reach. A little bit of conventional attention whoring and "added value" via links to new and relevant 3rd party content builds an audience pretty quickly. When I do start broadcasting the content I joined up to distribute - baited by my best efforts to manipulate uptake via linguistic tricks, deceptive tagging or etc. as applicable - distribution of my materials promptly crashes, along with the size of the audience. This happens much faster than "all those people" are likely to be opting out of receiving my bullshit. Social media operators do not appreciate users actively gaming their systems without paying their standard advertising rates, and it appears that their content distribution algorithms have been trained to spot and stop it. So the networks are already doing all they reasonably can to protect True Believers from content that contradicts their neurosis-enforced ignorance of data and models contradicting their pseudo-religious faiths. On a more sinister note, the same mechanisms actively reinforce any belief system the user is considered likely to adopt if it is presented: Engagement is engagement, and crack-brained delusional nonsense moves product for advertising clients working those markets. So if you want to live in a world where the Earth is flat, north-central Europeans are inherently superior to all other humans, overpopulation is physically impossible, global warming is a hoax, gigatons of toxic metals are being discharged from airliners monthly, and the Jew Bankers who control the whole world are about to deliberately kill off the entire market that makes "rich people" like themselves possible, welcome to the Internet: It will automagically customize itself to present exactly that world to you. The Internet will also present just enough factual content to give you something to whine, whimper and snivel about, because you also need to feel persecuted to maintain your illusion of superiority in the absence of any performance based evidence for that. :o/