James Isa Dumbfuck Donald wrote... This "joo joo joo Roshchilds Rothschilds" crap is part of an internal
fight between internationalist Jews (Karl Marx, Soros, the trots, and the neocons), nationalist Jews (now mostly located in Israel and led from Jerusalem), and Orthodox Jews with a religion of exile (persecuted by Cuomo, among others. Non Jews should ignore it. ..."
Do as I say, not as I do...very Donald of you. I suggested c-punks might tactically ally with Soros internationalism in order to isolate both red and brown fascism and hew to a policy of destroying the state of Israel last ( collapse of govts being up to us when and where ) Both Marxist-Communists and Nazi-types love hatefilled antisemitic bigotry -so we can kill every last one of them without blinking. No jury will convict. Finally a reward of 100$ USD is offered for the correct dox of Batshit crazy. We can make a horrible example of him.