On Thu, 27 Oct 2016 13:58:06 +0200 Tom <tom@vondein.org> wrote:
Who are they, Tom?
As I understand your mails, you're one of them. Maybe I misunderstood your mails
I never said "science is the enemy" - I do say that technicians working for the establishment and pretending to be 'scientists' are the enemy. The claims are related, but not equal.
- my appologies in that case.
No apologies needed ;)
And where's the 'scientific' evidence for your propaganda claim?
Why should I make propaganda? I'm not the government nor do I work for one. I just happen to love science.
Thanks for providing a reason why your view of the establishment can be biased. You like what they do regardless of where the funding comes from.
Here are a couple of examples of the kind of science I wrote about earlier:
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/10/161026142145.htm http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2016/10/26/three_stars_illuminate_n... http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap161026.html
You like astronomy? Fine. Do astronomy with your own money. "Upper Paleolithic humans may have hunted cave lions for their pelts" Really?? But they also may NOT have hunted cave lions, right? Don't you see anything wrong, even with the wording of the 'scientific' 'fact'? Do you think that suggesting a possibility and providing very flimsy evidence for it is 'science'? And are there people who feel curious about what happened to lions 10,000 years ago anyway? Fine. Let them waste or devote their onw resources to find out.
How could a sane person think they are 'parasites'? This is nonsense.
How could any sane person deny that fucking NASA, which is nothing but a branch of the US gov't and more precisely of the pentagon are not parasites? I assumed you knew that by definition gov't employees and contractors are parasites. That is a 'scientific' truth.
Because you know even two minutes research should inform you of what's going on. Unless you are a willfully ignorant, fully biased cheerleader for the 'scientific' establishment.
Let me fill in the role you're projecting onto me for a moment: please show me the evidence of your propaganda claim.
You just provided the evidence yourself. Here's one more datapoint https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/basic-science-can-t-survive-witho... Do you realize that your 'beloved' scientists are sceaming "We are gov't funded parasites" ? Seriously, find out how many millions governemnts steal from taxpayers and give to 'scientists'. Find out how much money big business spend on 'research', and see if that money was legitimately earned in the first place.
Oh but you can generalize the other, patently false, way.
I don't. I just say not all science is evil. We'd not have this discussion otherwise.
Again, I'm not talking about science if correctly defined as an unbiased search for truth. I'm talking about the people who claim to do science, the vast majority of them being paid with stolen money, to 'research' completely irrelevant stuff like 'paleolithic lions', or to 'explain' how central banking is the source of civilization and progress.
Dude, the 'international' 'scientific' 'community' uses FUCKING IMPERIAL ENGLISH, and the universtity parasities in mongolia working for mongolia's national universities are no different from the parasites at harvard university or berlin university. or any other place.
I'd love it to see you on the panel during a science convention or the like and speak like this to scientists :)
I'd love to. And what do you think they would do? Call the cops. At any rate, your theory that 'scientists' in monogolia are somehow independent because they are in a 'third world' country is nonsense. Here in argentina enlish is not the official language either - that doesn't stop the local 'researchers' (virtually all of them gov't employees) from reading and writing 'papers' in english...
Really, Juan, I surely agree with you, that there are scientists one could call 'parasites'. But not all of them, that's ridiculous.
Like I said a couple of times, and I'll repeat, there are some dissenters, but the vast majority are on the wrong side of 'science'.