On 08/29/2016 08:05 PM, Sean Lynch wrote:
North Americans, why are you not stopping this evil from your own government, CIA and military?
I realize this is probably a rhetorical question, but I do think it bears answering. Most Americans don't even accept your view of the facts. Far easier to live one's life in ignorance than to accept that one's society is inflicting a grave injustice on the world.
Seems like the bigger problem is that many other countries are making this same calculation. Support the US and maybe continue benefiting from its protection or go against it and lose its favor in exchange for MAYBE helping bring about a new order in which you might be worse off anyway. The typical computation anyone goes through when contemplating revolution or in fact any defection from the status quo.
I am sure the chickens will come home to roost eventually. Maybe there is something we can so to help bring that day about faster?
I was up on the walk overlooking Monterey Bay the other morning at 6 am or so. A 70 year old woman who was taking a stroll and picking up small trash on her walk stopped to chat. The conversation turned to the news, and global mayhem and at some point I said: "We're involved in every conflict on the planet. Where IS the US antiwar movement?" She smiled, and with a twinkle in her eye said: "There never was an antiwar movement. There was an anti-DRAFT movement" She's absolutely right. A nation of Narcissistic Psychopathic sheeple being led down the rosy path to hell for the sole purpose of accumulating 'shiny stuff'. DroneWars R Us! At least we don't have to see pieces of 'OUR boys' coming back by the Globemaster Cargohold-fulls in flag draped coffins. Rr