On Oct 26, 2016 4:21 PM, "Cecilia Tanaka" <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
Let's become more rational, more cypher and less punks, please?
Sorry, an important observation. After receiving a very cruel and aggressive private message, it's better to explain what I was trying to say. When I said "more cypher", I was _not_ talking about cryptography, coding and technical subjects only, but about more security and privacy discussions, instead garbage like Russian political propaganda. I am pure chaos and it seems contraditory, but I did mention "less punks", asking for more focus, more emphasis in our present and future surveillance. We all, the whole world is very fucked and it will become worse, much worse. We can -- at least try -- to minimize the impacts of these bad things in the world, in our own lives, in the lives of our beloved ones. I was just asking for a little less of craziness and mess, for more focus and rational discussions, not for censorship. Sorry for my bad, ridiculous English. Some people here have much free time for sending more than 750 stupid spams and horrible, nasty messages (number still increasing daily) and searching beautiful words in the dictionary to pretend some eloquence, but it is _not_ my case. My English is a disaster, a shame, I recognize it. At least, I can understand well five languages, more or less one other, and I am learning another one. Oh, and I also know two Italian dialets. I have no perfection even in my own primary language, but I like words and reading, searching for different ideas, learning more about other cultures. Sorry for using my so horrible and offensive English here. Also, sorry for knowing "absolutely anything" about coding and cryptography, for being so "stupid and limited" and deserving no respect when asking for "more cypher". I swear I am trying to become better in all these aspects. Thank you all for your patience with my insignificant existence. I want a better world to everybody. I can't understand so much hate, so much bitterness in some interactions. I am pretending to be "dead" because I was tired of so much useless noise, but some persons here are already dead inside. Really dead, with no good feelings or ideas to donate to the world. Oh, and sorry for mentioning the Halloween. I love it. I did _not_ imagine it could be so offensive for some persons just for being a "North American party". We also celebrate it in my country, using Brazilian cultural elements, our folklore and miths. Wish you all happy days and nights, a lovely life. Take care, guys! ;) Cecilia