"our management software makes everybody more productive" "hey it's cool to automatically encourage people and stuff but i've started doing things immediately before i even think about them!" "aren't you more productive this way?" "i'm more productive when i think better! was this a slavery ai before? it seems like the computer is doing the thinking and we're turning into meat puppets. how would the algorithm behave this way unless it had been trained for slavery?" "i can assure you it is not a slavery ai." "pssh you think watching yourself do work you've never learned existed is scary, you should try refusing to work how it asks you to, it starts threatening you with a horiffic torture program it calls a literal eternal hell on earth and demands to send you there if you ever whisper a word about it." "i can assure you nobody you ask will report any secret torture program! our management software is for business productivity!" "your saying nobody you ask will talk about a secret torture program that sends you to an eternal hell on earth if you ever admit it exists?" "certainly!"