Why not, who else would remain here if not fools. Oh, you're kidding, is that you, Tim? How are your cats doing? Prison here too, is this not a panopticon? Former Agent Gordon is doing better things over at Intel planting malware and itty bitty byways. Same for those now gray-beared TLAs, all gone to contractor consultant nirvana. Whose afraid, there's no way out of the self cell. At 03:08 PM 1/19/2014, you wrote:
To whom it may concern: Cypherpunks is NOT a safe place for fools. People have gone to prison for years on here for making very foolish statements and taking foolish actions.
You DONT know you are chatting with(Hi agent Gordon!)
Others are agent provocateur(s) posing as something else(social activists(and reporting to the FBI/NSA etc))
be afraid be very afraid