A less controversial reading of the (US Govt Money) >>= Tor "thing" is that, while the Tor devs may be doing their best, Tor is ultimately an asset to the US Intelligence apparatus rather than a liability. That is, perhaps they haven't convinced the Tor devs to insert backdoors in anything, but Tor remains something that helpfully concentrates dissidents while not overly inhibiting the government's ability to round them up and imprison them when needed. Part of this is plausible because endpoint security; 'nuff said, especially as JS is enabled by default in the TBB. Part of this is plausible because there are plenty of NSA docs in the wild suggesting that while they can't anonymise everyone at once, they also don't feel the need to as they can usually anonymise the subset they care about eventually. While the Tor devs seem to have a callous disregard for this line of inquiry (which in itself is worrying), to me it's a healthy thing to bear in mind. The bottom line is that we're dealing with a piece of software that purports to blind the world's biggest and most politically powerful surveillance state, yet receives virtually all of its funding from that same surveillance state. Draw your own conclusions based on a weighting of (ability of individuals to hide traffic from the state) / (ability of the state to obfuscate intelligence traffic) and taking into consideration how much smaller the threat model is for a state apparatus with known trusted servers and alternative traffic routes through compromised botnets and embassies around the world. Me, I'm more hopeful for i2p; it's just a pity that it's so oddly put together right now. On 04/08/14 18:36, rysiek wrote:
Dnia środa, 30 lipca 2014 18:22:41 Georgi Guninski pisze:
Someone here ranted against Tor and he was called a troll IIRC...
Nobody said Tor is perfect. But making the assumption Tor is made imperfect on purpose by Tor developers, because they are funded by US money (that's the rant you're referring to, right?) is a bit... rich.
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