Here is some of the paper from a US university, typed: Millions displaced by U.S. post-9/11 wars Thirty-eight million people have been displaced -- becoming refugees seeking safety in another country, or becoming internally displaced people within their own country -- as a result of the wars the U.S. military has fought since 2001. That is more than those displaced by any war or disaster since the start of the 20th century, except for World War II. Although the United States has accepted hundreds of thousands of refugees, most have been hosted by countries in the greater Middle East. [graphic: Arrows point to the top three countries where the most refugees and asylum seekers from each war-affected country have fled as of 2019. Arrows for Syria include all displaced Syrians, 2011-2019.] [the graphic highlights Libya, Iraq, Afghanista, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia. Red arrows depict diverse travel from these countries to certain neighboring countries -- generally northward -- and also to each other.] [below the map, a bar chart shows displaced persons: Afghanistan 2001- : 5.9 million total displaced person Pakistan 2001- : 3.7 million Yemen 2002- : 4.6 million Somalia 2002- : 4.3 million Philippines 2002- : 1.8 million Iraq 2003- : 9.2 million Libya 2011- : 1.2 million Syria 2014- : 7.1 million Dark bars indicate refugess and sylum seekers. Lighter bars indicate internally displaced persons. The light bars are 2 to 10 times as large as the dark bars, across the countries. The years indicate the years of U.S. military involvement.] [A scale along the bottom ranges from 0 to 10M, showing the magnitude of displacement.] [Displaced persons data updated through 2020; Syrian and Afghan internally displaced persons data updated through 2021. Syria data only includes people displaced during years of direct U.S. military involvement in the war and in five provinces where U.S. forces have fought. Key source, updated August 2021: David Vine, Cala Coffman, Katalina Khoury, Madison Lovasz, Helen Bush, Rachel Leduc, and Jennifer Walkup. "Creating Refugees: Displacement Caused by the U.S. Post-9/11 Wars," Costs of WarProject, Brown University, Sept. 8, 2020. Map and graphic by Kelly Martin/IRW.]