Art Director/Designer: Christopher Corey
Copywriter: John Ferrell
Agency: Young & Rubicam, Inc. 
Client: Time Inc.

Seven days from now, your travel
promotion ad could appear in full color 
in any of Life's six local editions offering 
7-day fast close. 

Life's national fast-color close is 
now available locally in New York,
Washington D.C., Detroit, Chicago, 
Los Angeles and San Francisco. 

Use Life as a local medium --- the 
way you use newspapers --- with the
added emotional impact of full color. 

Let Life work for you next week or 
any week you have to move fast. 

Like the weeks before Christmas.
Life. It works. Fast. 

Life's local fast close also comes
in black & white and two-color. 

You'll be reaching the biggest adult 
audience around*: 4,973,000 in 
New York, 819,000 in Washington D.C., 
1,200,000 in Detroit, 1,569,000 in 
Chicago, 2,749,000 in Los Angeles,
1,192,000 in San Francisco. 

And the best. Each issue is read by
42% of businessmen who too 8 or more 
air trips last year. And 37% of men
who took 3 or more personal air trips 

Life gives you the people you want 
to reach any week you have to move fast. 

Like the weeks before Christmas.
Life. It works. Fast.

Be unforgettable

quote Newsweek

the newseekly that separates fact from opinion

Art Director/Designer: Robert Dunning 
Artist: Glenn Ossiander
Photographer: Charles Gold
Copywriter: Robert Lasson 
Agency: N.W. Ayer & Son, Inc.
Client: Newsweek