This is not a drill folks, this is what is happening, where an older-ish white woman probably a bit mentally deficient (she's wearing a Nazi arm band) and who rents a humble shack and is just trying to cope with the radical changes happening in our society, is physically confronted with young men and women trespassing on her property, refusing to leave her alone, trying to rip her arm band off (seriously, there are no bonus points for wearing such arm bands folks, don't do that!), and repeatedly shout/scream at her and push her around, and they promised to return and have her shack attacked - these are 'your' (America's) Antifa college "grads" who are so confident they are bringing a better world by doing this to this older woman, are so confident that they have finally found an "American Nazi", that they uploaded a video of all this to twitter: An American Nazi in East Portland https://t.co/DR2u8dLyJ0 pic.twitter.com/DR2u8dLyJ0 — Laura Jedeed (Misanthrophile) (@1misanthrophile) August 6, 2020 This is not a drill. This is a war of sorts. We must take a stand, for righteousness and dignity (for EVERYbody) - do not be the Mugwud bird who shits on one side of the fence. These "educated" college grads delivered on their earlier promise to return and vandalize her property: Woman Who Wore Swastika Armband Denies Being a Nazi to Portland Protesters # ~9.4 MiB http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cbHmX_ZYjg Next time it could be someone you care about... Found here: Portland: Surreal Antifa Attack on Low IQ Working Class Woman with a Nazi Armband On (Hard to Watch) http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/portland-surreal-antifa-attack-on-low-iq-worki... ... These upper-middle class Antifa communist weirdos apparently genuinely believe that this poor woman in her shack is what is wrong with American society, and they are openly siding with billionaire Jews who control all of the banks, the government, and virtually all industry against this woman in her shack. ... Get in the game, people. This is not a drill. ...