(The below is really rather naughty - please don't forward it around.) On Tue, Aug 08, 2017 at 02:14:46PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
On Tue, Aug 08, 2017 at 04:08:52AM +0000, \0xDynamite wrote:
Reality check for the vocal minority: Who are the most oppressed people in America? Is it: blacks, hispanics, the poor, homosexuals, women....? I mean, big points to who actually gets the right answer....
Listen, goy!, you're think rocking the boat on intolerance facts is permitted on a *punks list?!
Hence, I'm wondering what this thread is doing here...
That's it! Get back in your politically correct hole now, goy!
(I'd call you nigger, but we need a word to use with one another that's more than "cultural appropriation of suppressed kangz", not that I object to said "cultural appropriation", but simply because we can do better :)
"Whigger" p'rhaps?
Have a good one,
'Sup, whigger? Got damore news for us? Like, dooood! Wait, wait, here's a new one two - the back story they DIDN'T tell us: James "Damore CoC, da worse it gets" Damore:: " My, my, what a big wordy frivolous cotton wool safe-space swinging CoC we have here Joogle, I mean "Ms Danielle Brown" ma'am, yes ma'am, anythin I can do for you ma'am? " Danielle Brown, Joogle's CoC lovin' radical left SJW VP of Diversity, Inclusion and Only-CoCs-Allowed to work in Safe Space Google, LITERALLY employed by Brin two weeks ago to do the dirty because Bris is such a bloody coward:: " You're damn right I was just appointed for this job! and now you listen closely mancake, coz I'll only say this once: A wordy CoC you say? All Damore to SACK YOUR -NOW-LIBERATED-FROM- GOOGLE ARSE WITH! How DARE you speak out about your socio-political beliefs at Google! Just who the HELL do you think you are - a "gassed four times Jewish family"'s escapee grandchild or something?!! FFS James - CHECK YOUR PRIVILEDGE, POLITICAL NEWBIE! And ... I can't believe this, but I'm told you WROTE YOUR BELIEFS DOWN AND TOLD OTHER PEOPLE YOU DONE THIS???!!! For the love of all our Jewish great great grandfather's literally turned into lampshades at Auschwitz, James, YOU OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER!!! Now that I've got this off me flat "small boob syndrome" chest, James, don't EVER expect to get a job in this extremist valley EVER again! And I really can't believe PHP beat me to the punch on this one, and when I say beat me to it, I mean with a leather tipped flogger. " James "Damore CoC, da worse it gets" Damore:: " ... Feeling a little CoC blocked today perhaps luv? " Danielle Brown, Joogle's CoC lovin' radical left SJW VP of Diversity and Inclusion: " GET OUT OF MY OFFICE NIGGER! " <ahem> Welp, this one's certainly on the run - just like a collapsing US Dollar desperately trying to outrun Putin's oh-so-casual monthly 20 tonne reserve bank fish purchases ... Sorry - hey, HEY! - you, stop that chuckling! I said NOW, the collapse of the U$D is NOT a laughing matter, punk! Firstly a reminder of how a manly Indian demonstrates a principled stand in the face of leftist ideological warfare - not: Pichai Sundararajan, also known as Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, Dutifully Bows to the Leftist Female Monthlies By Mark Bergen and Ellen Huet August 7, 2017, 9:21 PM EDT https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-08-08/google-fires-employee-beh... Sundar Pichai sent a note to employees that said portions of the memo “violate our Code of Conduct and cross the line by advancing harmful gender stereotypes And the fallout that absolutely --no-one-- could have predicted: Google's own demographic targetting instructions to advertisers, re Gender, Age, Parental status, and Household income "targetting": Google hypocrisy EXPOSED: Entire ad business built on exploiting, and targeting, gender differences in users http://theduran.com/google-hypocrisy-exposed-entire-ad-business-built-on-exp... Google’s radical liberal left SJW leadership rushed so quickly to inflict punishment on James Damore over his “memo” (that committed the ultimate liberal sin in pointing out basic biological fact, something that the “scientists” at Google seem to have forgotten), that Google seems to have skipped over the fact that their entire business is built on targeting stereotypes in users, and then exploiting those stereotypes to make money from advertisers. Here is how much money Google has made off of targeting users based on sex, age, demographics, and social factors, via Statista… graph
From the "when living in a Google Glass House" dept: Surprise, surprise, Google's "elite" are a monobloc agitprot "tribally homogenous" group of ... well, I'm sure you can find a term to describe them:
EXPOSED: Google’s radical left SJW leadership that fired James Damore http://theduran.com/exposed-googles-radical-left-sjw-leadership-that-fired-j... Following Google’s viral debacle and the firing of James Damore’s “anti-woman manifesto”, Steven Crowder and his production team decided to do some digging to find out just how “diverse” Google’s leadership actually is. Stefan Molyneux speaks with fired Google employee James Damore (Video) http://theduran.com/stefan-molyneux-speaks-with-fired-google-employee-james-...