On 9/11/19, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Decrypt: Cryptographic breakthrough could solve Zcash's biggest flaw. https://decrypt.co/9107/cryptographic-breakthrough-could-solve-zcash
Many read and repeat "trusted setup" as broken without bothering to basic learning about Zcash system, ZKP, MPC paramgen, its threat models, etc. It's more nuanced issue than that. A bit more accurate, plus the historical "zcash" links on this list... https://zcoin.io/ufaqs/what-is-trusted-setup/ https://electriccoin.co/blog/halo-recursive-proof-composition-without-a-trus... Anyway, the race to truly private p2p distributed lightweight cryptocurrencies and exchanges appears to finally be on. In other news, the world has yet to solve the [un]governance problem... https://decrypt.co/8911/zcash-negotiations-collapse-trademark