On Wed, 29 Dec 2021 01:55:20 -0500 grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
On 12/28/21, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
'infection' does not exist.
You still did not drink a vat
I don't need to. I am constantly 'exposed to your 'infection' fucktard. Except, it does not exist. Doesn't exist just like fucking AIDS, as clearly explained by Mullis and Duesberg and others. But hey, your job description doesn't include telling the truth about US manufactured plandemics.
subhuman chinese
You mean the Govt of China,
I mean the subhuman chinese that KKK scumbags like you hate. I am explaining how your PSYOP works, which of course you know as well as me. Since it's part of your job and you explicitly whined about raw bats on-list.
but not Argentina's that you worship and never dispute because you like Alberto's GovCock in your mouth.
Where is the proof that I 'worship' the local government son? Why would I worship a government that is nothing but a 10th rate lackey of the pentagon? OH WAIT. You know exactly nothing about argentine politics. Shocking.
Ask China, France, US, Fauci, Daszak, EcoHealthAlliance, etc about that.
What. So let me repeat, the RAW-BAT-SOUP nonsense is what KKK trash like you LITERALLY SAID on this fine list when the plandemic started.
30 doses of 'vaccine'
sorry not bothering with your fake news (which you constantly spam). So go ahead get the 30 doses. You believe so much in the 'infection' and have so much Faith in Science then get all the 'vaccine' you 'need'.