On 1/21/16, Rayzer <Rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
Steve Kinney wrote:
It's a matter of perspective. A fear based world view that imposes a constant 'need' for protection by ersatz parental figures is the consensus reality in Amerika.
The worldview in Merica, as illustrated by the responses I'm seeing is
I'm from Australia.
'denial of responsibility'
Not at all. It's about appropriate responses, and responding appropriately, with responsibility. Your assertion is unfounded.
and a touch of sociopathy...
Now that's just inflammatory - such an allusion needs facts in support, if you want a serious discussion, but now I'm stating the obvious.
Given that, "a constant 'need' for protection" seems prerequisite.
And I thought -I- was cynical. If you fundamentally mistrust 'most' humans, you might want to look at that. It may be good to live with a little paranoia, but that's personal, not how to run a state. It would be nice if the state -were- in fear of the people - now that would be a mighty fine day :D