On Oct 7, 2016, at 3:29 PM, xorcist@sigaint.org wrote:
I figure it's best to ignore the implications of the simulation hypothesis. There's nothing to be done about it.
If I'm understanding you correctly, I find I quite agree, but for perhaps different reasons, because I don't find the implications to be all that difficult.
Whether reality is material and we're threatened by cosmic rays, meteors, or the vagaries of war-mongering, hairless apes with nukes, or whether reality is immaterial, and we're at the mercy of a simulation, or some unknowable God, the result is fundamentally the same when you follow it out: There is no safe place in the universe. There is nothing to grab hold of. The more we look for safety, the more danger we will find. The more we try to grab hold of things, the more they will slip away. Death will overtake every living thing, eventually.
And so, from this, it doesn't matter the slightest to me if reality is a simulation, or not. For that matter, it doesn't matter in the slightest if a meteor hits. Or if humanity blows itself up with nukes. I'd prefer my other humans decided to play better games than Monopoly, Scrabble, or Chess, but it doesn't really matter one way or the other.
We're HERE. NOW - attending a party with some 7 billion or so other people. So, party, and try to make it a FUN party.
Yes you've stated the case pretty well :) I guess I could restate my original case a little bit: it's best to ignore the implications of the sim theory, because there really are NO implications, assuming a true high fidelity sim. And we haven't observed anything to argue for flaws in the sim.. (oh Christ, I was just reminded of the matrix movies.. *shudder*) So, yeah, party on Garth ;) John