Riad is a extremely correct and fair person.  He does certainly _not_ have anything with this new drama and, being sincere, contacting him, when you are polite, rational and logical, is pretty easy.  But, please, do _not_ waste his time pretending to be a 'poor innocent victim', with crazy conspiration theories.

Few months ago, Zzz made a huge drama saying that he was kicked out of the CypherPunks list and cc Alexander and Juan, asking for help.  The problem was  -- d'oh! --  Zzz simply typed the wrong e-mail address and his message was rejected.  Should I send his hilarious dramatic message and respective answers to the list again, just for the lulz?  hihi...  ;)

Maybe the problem is simply that my little hamsters, Turing and Tesla, are smarter and better cypherpunks than some paranoic people here.  C'est la vie!  ;)

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 12:12 PM, Razer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:

Email relay blackhole gotcha? Tsk... Tsk.

Good luck finding out which one... even better luck actually making contact with the op to get off their list.


On 11/29/2016 06:40 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Anyone know whos CCs get through, and whos don't?

Evidently some (or all) of mine do not come through, such as my CC to
Mirimir on the email below.

Riad, what's the status (I've also CCed you on this email)?
