N.ggers! Folks it's a communications shoah, against the goyim. Prepare for Tor only access, and complete ISP shutdowns of some sites and even more, in the coming days. Already for example, the Russian vk.com is not resolving from Australia, so Tor only for registration/ email confirmation e.g. Mozilla CEO is calling for pro-active censorship done by all browsers, so Tor Browser or Brave browsers is the option here etc. Trump was about to start comms on Parler ('officially') and so Parler was promptly removed from the Apple and Google app stores - what did we say about having no option but to replace Android? Trump banned from all his Shopify shops (no more merch fundraising), social media, and now even email provider/ISP... Social media wipeouts across all the usual Jewish/Zionist owned and controlled platforms and wipeout of those failing to comply with the wishes of the ADL (Jewish/Zionist controlled) censorship (against "hate") demands, etc. EVERYTHING that is centralised, if Trump moves to that platform. whether Gab or Telegram, Signal or VK, is likely to be wiped out. And everything that is decentralised, will be removed from the app stores so folks will not be able to open new accounts/ begin anyway (what was that about replacing Android again?). Scalable website chat forums? Re-read Mozilla statement on browser-wide censorship... IP addresse only? Prepare for ISP and 'physical' internet take down to the extent those in control consider doing so to be in their interest. This leads to a very Kek-type opportunity: Trump could "officially" begin to communicate on VK, since all the local platforms are shoahed. That will likely lead to VK also being shoahed, at least in the USA. This would be diplomatic GOLD - both the initial Trump 'launch' on VK, as well as the app store bans to follow. It's gold because it exposes this despotism.... Stay safe and stay ahead of the curve folks, exciting times. The Censorship is Coming Down Like an ACME Anvil https://dailystormer.su/the-censorship-is-coming-down-like-an-acme-anvil/ Israeli Lobby Demands Trump be Immediately Removed from Office https://dailystormer.su/israeli-lobby-demands-trump-be-immediately-removed-f... Anti-Christ, Anti-American Jews Celebrate Trump Banning, Final End of First Amendment https://dailystormer.su/anti-christ-anti-american-jews-celebrate-trump-banni... All of these people are Jewish. Twitter finally banned Trump! We did it! https://t.co/KFJUB1YvZU — Sacha Baron Cohen (@SachaBaronCohen) January 8, 2021 What the fuck took you so long @jack ? https://t.co/1WiVnF09bw — Julia Louis-Dreyfus (@OfficialJLD) January 8, 2021 He cried fire in a crowded theater once too often. — Rob Reiner (@robreiner) January 9, 2021 Finally. https://t.co/hF1gsENc7g — Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) January 9, 2021 [Yes, THE Chelsea Handler; Pray for Fiddy.] Buh-bye. Twitter bans President Trump’s account – CNN https://t.co/RvB6tF5wZR — Albert Brooks (@AlbertBrooks) January 9, 2021 All it took was a coup. — Zach Braff (@zachbraff) January 9, 2021 THANK YOU #TWITTER! Please re-tweet! — bettemidler (@BetteMidler) January 8, 2021 it's about damn time maybe if you had banned him a few years back we could have avoided some of this violence but ok we'll take it now #trumpisbanned https://t.co/IfidVK9ais — Sandra Bernhard (@SandraBernhard) January 9, 2021 ... Bookmark those Tor addresse, might be the only access to actual news for a few days: http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/