The global financial system wheels are wobbling pretty seriously now, super charged QE is all but outta steam and key financial charts are inverting - 3 month vs 10 year USA Treasury bonds have inverted - i.e. 10yr bond returning LOWER (~1%) than the 3 month bond = investors are spooked and running to the 10-year "safety net"; but problem is, sometimes a seismic "1929 style" event hits and many predictions predict we're on the precipice of such. With all the worlds banker's banks (ECB, BOJ, USA's Fed) pumping out QE fiat billions per day just to keep their wheels turning, I can't believe it's not buggered. You know you crash it. Crash me long time muffaluggerah. Zerowedgie's prediction, based on the 2000 tech bubble burst and more particularly the late 2006 to 2008 housing collapse and GFC (12 month lag from the point when the 3-month to 10-year bonds inverted), is we have about 12 months between now and the next, major, collapse. Be warned. Be prepared. Good luck. Buckle Up: a Crash Trigger Has Hit https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-29/buckle-crash-trigger-has-hit