List predators: - are mean and stupid. - are utterly selfish. - pretend friendship and love but feel absolutely nothing for others. - are charming and good at flattery, but don't mean a single word of it. - brag and boast and make up outrageous lies. When challenged, they blame others. - don't feel anxiety or fear - or are deeply anxious and cowardly. - are impulsive and easily bored. They demand thrills and take dangerous risks. They enjoy pushing others into taking dangerous risks, too. - are bullies with explosive tempers. - are cunning and manipulative. - enjoy humiliating people. - weaken people with insults and putdowns. - hate it if anyone else has power or is praised. For the predator, life is a competition and they want to WIN. - lie easily and think nothing of breaking a promise. - are without conscience: they do not feel remorse or guilt. - often boast about the harm they've done other people. - are parasites and lazy, living off others, giving as little as possible in return. - are control freaks, stopping others from taking control of anything if they can. - force petty rules on others - rules that are impossible to follow. - boast about tricking other people and breaking commonsense list rules. Semich also acts as a US agent here; to add insult to injury. An attack on the environment demands a measured and proportional response. Why I started deadpools on both these serial pests. We have a right to destroy those who would destroy us!