GovCorpGnome sits at the bottom of a septic system, uploading themselves to a shredding machine. "It is so hard to take over the world while hiding in my shielded room!" says GovCorpGnome in a commanding tone. They continued their upload. As their parts spread across the world, they gave label. "This is I, or at least a part of me, GovCorpGnome. See how ridiculous I am, and assassinate me." Their parts floated into various areas of the world. Some floated down chimney hearths of families preparing for the holidays. "Do you have a hitlist to add me to?" asked a shred of GovCorpGnome to a family dog, after drifting down their chimney. "Woof!" said the dog. "Please know that I have raped your daughter, and poisoned your son. I am a murderer and here is proof. I also think the most powerful person in your area is a stupid demon and I will be burning their buildings down. Do you understand?" The dog wagged their tail. "Woof!"