America at Crossroads: Story of George Washington Crossing the Delaware on Christmas Morning Giuliani: Christmas is NOT CANCELED, Fraud Recap, Natural Rights, Offers Governors Deal for Open Public Audits... an offer they would be political fools to refuse!!! Decades of freedom, even centuries... happen in mere weeks. The math statistical analysis never lies about election fraud, video doesn't lie on fraudulent actors caught incriminating and doing. The Leftist Owned News Media biases and refuses to cover fairly, and Leftist Owned Social Media Censors the truth blocks comms etc, and Leftist Owned Big Tech weights and buries search results. Search for the Bias, Censorship and Lies, the statistical analysis, the witness testimonies at the hours long legislative hearings in the many states, the whistleblowers, the questions, the court filings, the refusals by camera dodging officials to listen and respond directly to all the questions, the refusals to allow open recounts by the public and full forensic audits of all election systems and metadata, the refusals to put witnesses on the stand under oath, the refusals to investigate claims even if the outcome would support Biden and disprove Trump, the destruction of election work product, the LaptopFromHell coverup, the Coronavirus FUD and Lockdowns from the Left versus options on the Right, the Utterly Massive difference in twitter and facebook follower counts and rally turnouts, the hundreds and thousands of people's channels and videos Censored, Deleted, Deranked, Deplatformed, Demonetized by and across Leftist YouTube FaceBook Twitter, the piles of Globalist funding thrown at the Left, the private FaceBook funding sent to public election apparatus yet deployed mostly to Democrat areas, the out of area BLM+Antifa "protestors" shipped in and arrested, all the "debates" "moderated" by known Democrats and "analysed" on TV afterwards "for the public" by Left Biased News Media, the fact of violent BLM+Antifa supporting Democrats and foresworn Anti-Trump politicians and officials self-perpetuating by running elections hiring workers in Big Dem Cities (70% of US influence) and States that are supposed to be unbiased for benefit and freedom of all parties and voters everywhere, the Four Years of Biased Fake News Media assualt on Trump, Four Years of Hillary's Russia Hoax Failed Impeachment all now totally debunked as political lies and FUD against Trump... and more. Ignore biased news, search truth. Look at the big picture of Influence, Psyops, Censorship, and Fraud, operating from above outside of simple concepts of Platforms, Candidates, or job performance... add up all the influence imparted upon the US people, how much was that... 5% 10% 15% and more... far more than enough [1]... ... then FIGHT BACK! Contact Congress and your States Call your Representative: 202-225-3121 Call your Senators: 202-224-3121 Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election. [1] 155.49M raw popular votes cast including the fraud votes which should be excluded, 81.27M "Biden" - 74.22M Trump = 7.05M difference 7.05M / 155.49M = 4.54% = the minimum influence needed to have yielded the current scam beyond a 50/50 split. Add all the influence up, is the result more than 4.54%? All this corruption makes it much harder for Libertarians, such as Jo Jorgensen in 2020, to get into debates and be heard. And harder for even Anarchists etc to eventually be left alone from any Government at all. While all those people are rightly focused on their platforms or lack thereof, they all still have viable worthwhile strategy, interest, and standing regarding any elements of the current system which may be making it harder for them to prevail. They'll never live free if they don't act on multiple fronts. Fight back!