15 Mar
15 Mar
6:45 a.m.
https://twitter.com/EndWokeness https://twitter.com/LibsOfTikTok Get Woke, Go Broke... https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1635746887402917893 Charlie Kirk @charliekirk11 9h WOW... Silicon Valley Bank gave $73,450,000 to "BLM Movement & Related Causes" Ever wonder where, besides George Soros, all those violent Democrat Leftist Antifa murderers arsonists assaulters thugs $2B property destroyers got their funds to be out in the streets all day for months instead of working... "They should continue. -- Kamala Harris, VP of Biden who just bailed out the those banks to help keep funding violence in the streets so they can roll ever bigger DemSocComMarx power regimes."