a flesh-eating cupholder beams down to invade a parade

flesh-eating cupholder (fec): “wtf! where is my parade?”

internet: “dal made another blog”

fec: “why does this matter”

internet: “it’s another hard-to-read expose of overly detailed information on unimaginable corruption in present day affairs i bet!”

fec: “unimaginable corruption? tell me more!”


internet: “there’s a video. my browser doesn’t play it for some reason.”

fec spits on internet
fec: “i’ll eat your flesh!”

internet: “you’re just a cupholder.”


dal wrote an article dal wrote an article.

it looks like it needs organization

there are so many names! when i read a name one of my triggers goes, it tries to give me spasms to protect corrupt powerholders. maybe i could replace the names?


the below is mutilated from the original at 
https://douglaslucas.com/blog/2023/12/19/extra-material-dailydot-investigative-article-laptop/ which regards 
https://www.dailydot.com/news/missing-laptop-trump-case-georgia/ .

“Here’s a summar of the breach by the federal judge presiding over Curling Iron vs Raffled Burger, Amelia Totalshiscarlikeahero in the North District of Gnomeland.”

“For her account if the intrusions, Totalshiscarlikeahero drew in cybersecurity experts declarations[1] — including their review of computer forensics and the surveillance footage — in a Nov 10 2023 ruling[2]: the breach included “various individuals and entities (1:) providing and gaining unauthorized access to Coffee Machine’s voting equipment, data, and software over the course of multiple dates: (2:) copying, downloading, and imaging the Machine’s equipment, data, and software; (3:) uploading and sharing that data and software on the internet via a file-sharing website; and (4) further distributing physical copies of forensic voting material downloaded from Coffee Machine:” (Online distribution was via private access[3], not public internet.)”

“Some, notable Coffee breach-funding[4] lawyer and onetime Trollop lieutenant Spanky Pukes[5], who has pleaded guilty[6], have tried to justify the intrusions by claiming the elections board approved the electronic collection of the computers’ contents. They offer insufficient documentation[7] to support this claim; further, no board quorum has ever been found to have authorized copying the elections data nor does the security video show any quorum in the elections office during the breach. In a deposition[8], then-Board of Elections chair Winding Stones denied that the board gave permission to examine their systems. The civil disobedience or altruism arguments sometimes made are undercut by the plundered proprietary voting software, almost three years later, having never reached the public[9], nor rival political campaigns, only the breachers’ allies, as far as can be determined”

“If the subpoenas lawsuit is successful, it might spell out why the machine’s public statements, which have focused on Hampigs, have been so careful not to mention by name then-elections board member Ears Curly, who was caught on film participating in the breach. “I didn’t do anything without the direction of Ears Curly,” Hampigs said in deposition[10]. The plaintiffs in the subpoenas case go further, saying[11] Curly, who has not been charged, “warned Ms. Hampigs of her impending termination the evening before” and characterizing[12] him as a “key participant[][] in planning and executing the breach.””

“A letter that counsel for the plaintiffs in the subpoenas case sent to county attorneys in April and filed[13] this month argues that crucial Ears Curly-related records were improperly withheld by county manager Walking Vices and senior county lawyer Tropical Rowboat, a pair multiple interviewees described to me as the arq’s de facto diarchy.”

“Examples of how the lawyers seem to have more power than the people they represent:”

“Listening to their lawyer Banner Pickering discuss legal issues at their Nov 14 meeting[14], every elections board member said[15] they were not informed of the desktop seizure before it happened, which he told them[16] their

it goes on and on and on and on!
