On Sunday, August 11, 2019, 01:38:50 PM PDT, jamesd@echeque.com <jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:

>That there are going to be dual, and duelling, investigations into
>Epstein's convenient suicide suggests that Barr, like myself, suspects
>that the FBI may have given Epstein a bit of help suiciding, in which
>case he probably also suspects that a whole lot of other people who knew
>too much about the Clintons may also have had a bit of FBI assistance in
>their similarly convenient suicides.

Since Epstein's death, we have heard of the MCC facility being woefully under-staffed.  
Okay, that may have been true.  But one of the simplest solution to that problem would
have been for the Warden to put out an ad, on the Web, saying:

"We are charged at MCC with keeping Jeffrey Epstein safe, but we don't have nearly
enough personnel to do this.  Therefore, we ask for volunteers of police officers and
ex-police officers to come in MCC and sit outside Epstein's cell, and check him very frequently,
perhaps monitoring him continuously or every 2-3 minutes   We also request from the public 
donations of money to help pay for these professionals to monitor Epstein to ensure that he
doesn't kill himself, or is killed by anyone else."

Yes, I realize that this proposal is laughably obvious.  Now.  In 'hindsight'  But why didn't it 
occur to the fools running the MCC?   There is not doubt that a large fraction of the population
 wanted to see Epstein dead...EVENTUALLY.   But, most of those probably wanted him to survive,
at least until he implicated and helped convict his co-conspirators.  So, there would probably have
been hundreds of volunteers.  

I don't think any of the staff at MCC will be able to credibly explain why this solution wasn't tried.

              Jim Bell