On 06/09/2016 01:47 PM, Kivo Eba Ng wrote:
This came to my inbox. However, I wouldn’t touch this with a 10’ pole.

Dear PGP/GPG user,

My name is Sven Braun and I am an MSc candidate at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.

You receive this message, as your email address is publicly available on PGP public key servers.

I am running a study on the usage of the email and data encryption software PGP/GPG to understand who is using PGP/GPG and encryption in society.

I kindly invite you to participate in my survey: https://oii.qualtrics. com/SE?Q_DL=2cwWZBfUIKuwBYV_blrVb70dci9gK5T_MLRP_cOr20AuySQUMcdv&Q_CHL=email

If you have any further questions about this research, please do not hesitate to contact me <sven.braun@oii.ox.ac.uk> (+44 1865 986891) or my advisor Dr Anne-Marie Oostveen <anne-marie.oostveen@oii.ox.ac.uk> (+44 1865 287208).

Many thanks in advance for your participation,

Sven Braun
MSc Candidate, Social Science of the Internet
Oxford Internet Institute
University of Oxford


Got one too at a NON-cypherpunks list address. The person might be for real but the end use of the info might be 'surreal'. The address I received it at was the one I get tails update mail and not much else at. Odd that should be the address chosen when I have 8 or 9 sks registered addresses.
