On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 6:53 PM, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
large container of water ... microwave
Being in rooms that supply, or carrying around, both of these items is likely to be an uncommon situation, and difficult, impractical, and unreliable. So don't forget the obvious solution for the two most typical ops... 1) Don't carry a phone. or 2) If you have to carry, carry one with a removable [or switch modded] battery. Turn it off, remove the battery, data, SIM. 2a) Carry an anonymous phone whose bits are linked to nothing 2b) Encrypt and lock with passphrase 2c) Aluminum foil can be carried easily and seems effective insurance [1]. 2d) Note any supercaps and nearfield charging issues, along with audio muffling in those cases. Last, don't forget aftercare... hammer the fucker into bits and dispose accordingly. [1] None of the phones I've wrapped in a single layer of standard weight foil folded over once at the edge have been able to send or receive calls / sms / data (cellular or wifi). Carrying enough heavy weight foil to both wrap double and fold double is equally practical and won't tear up as soon. Throw a spectrum analyzer at it if you want to test for sure, which you should if you you're an operator, because I haven't and I'm not so don't trust me or anyone else. And if you're up against an adversary 1 or 2 above can't handle, let us know what your secret number 3 and grand operation was someday before you die, become a legend ;)