Tom Harper, the Sunday Times' journalist who wrote the article. The man who repeatedly lied about the the state of affairs regarding Ed landed himself an interview with CNN. It was aired a few hours ago. The man dug himself a hole, jumped into his hole and buried himself with an explanation of how he reports what. Effectively he told CNN that it is speculation, that he reports what he feels to be the truth as provided by his sources within the government but that what he reported is not explicitly mentioned as such, and that it is up to his sources "the government" (whatever that means) to provide proof. In other words, he lied. Many bad things did not happen. And I'm sure that the OPSEC that Glenn et al. have been maintaining is for the sake of all parties involved. And I bet that three-letter agencies have reached out to him to let him know that he's walking a fine line and I'm sure that Glenn also knows that they have a vested interest in the information not becoming freely available. And that's the end of that story. We're also not discussing the semantics of how Glenn handles his files in the face of what is an obvious push to erode civil liberties. Because. On 6/15/2015 7:13 PM, zaki@manian.org wrote:
1. Crypto is broken in the sense that entire notion of trusted computing is massively broken and nation states can compromise end devices at scale and access plain text via device compromise.
2. There was a period of time when the Snowden cache was controlled primarily by journalists with limited organizational support. Many bad things could have happened. It is still mysterious if they did.
3.It also seems likely that competing services had access to many of the same documents as Snowden did. It seems reasonable to assume there were more people exfiltrating docs for private benefit than for public benefit on the top secret network.
4. What standard should organizations who handle secret information be held to? The Intercept has hired some of top practitioners in the field. Is that good enough? Less well funded institutions?
On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 11:10 AM, <dan@geer.org <mailto:dan@geer.org>> wrote:
| Glenn Greenwald at The//Intercept on The Sunday Times birdcage liner | 'reporting' that brought the story to press. | | https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2015/06/14/sunday-times-report-snowden= | -files-journalism-worst-also-filled-falsehoods/
If Snowden had zero copies and Greenwald/Poitras had the originals, then any Russo-Chinese fiddling with those originals was the result of having stolen them from Greenwald/Poitras, not Snowden.
As the world turns,