Dnia niedziela, 2 listopada 2014 12:19:24 edhelas pisze:
The social federation protocol is already here : it's XMPP. And yes it can support everything a social network has to offer (feeds, subscriptions, profiles, contact list…). There is already millions of users on the XMPP network, and you can easily find several clients on all the plateforms for it.
I'm working since 2008 on the Movim project (https://movim.eu/),
So, I'm having a painful flashback from: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-fedsocweb/2013May/0058.html And my answer to this is: whatever floats your boat. The biggest problem right now is the network effect and fragmentation, XMPP crowd (are you compatible with BuddyCloud, for example?) does not seem to help out in this department, so I'm going to promote The Federation, because it already has the userbase and it already federates between several networks. I have no particular preference of a particular protocol. The Federation already federates, and that's what counds. Please, let's not repeat the discussion I just linked, though. -- Pozdr rysiek