Dear Siaka Paasewe: Thank you for NY-DHR's February 2, 2024 response concerning potential NY-DFS Superintendent recusal records mentioned by New York Magazine ( https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/03/adrienne-harris-is <https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/03/adrienne-harris-is->-cryptos-most-powerful-regulator.html) in an interview titled "Crypto’s Most Powerful Regulator Is Here Adrienne Harris, New York’s financial watchdog, has enormous sway over the industry’s future." Today xNY.io - Bank.org elects to appeal NY-DHR's February 2, 2024 response. We aim understand if DHR is suggesting no New York State records are available concerning this matter. Or, if DHR has redacted in part or withheld records in entirety marked as privileged. Have a nice day. Thank you, Gunnar -- Gunnar Larson xNY.io - Bank.org 917-580-8053 On Fri, Feb 2, 2024, 11:35 AM Paasewe, Siaka (DHR) <Siaka.Paasewe@dhr.ny.gov> wrote:
Dear Mr. Larson:
Pursuant to your request, please see the attachment.
*Siaka Paasewe*
Records Access Officer / FOIL Officer
*New York State Division of **Human** Rights*
One Fordham Plaza, 4th Floor
(718) 741-8422 | (718) 741-8256 (Fax)
February 2, 2024
VIA EMAIL G@xny.io
Gunnar D. Larson
xNY.io - Bank.org
406 West 25th Street, 1RE
New York, NY 10001
Dear Mr. Larson:
The Division is in receipt of your Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request, received
by the Division on February 2, 2024, in which you requested a copy of the following:
NY-DFS Superintendent Adrienne Harris Recusal Records
Dear Madam or Sir: On March 30, 2022 New York Magazine
published a profile of NY-DFS Superintendent Adrienne Harris
titled "Crypto’s Most Powerful Regulator Is Here Adrienne Harris,
New York’s financial watchdog, has enormous sway over the
industry’s future"
cryptos-most-powerful-regulator.html). The profile of
Superintendent Harris quotes "... that she would recuse herself
from any dealings with companies she has conflicts with." xNY.io
- Bank.org seeks access to any and all records specific to
Superintendent Harris' recusal(s) as of February 1, 2024.
Please be advised the Division does not have any records in its possession that are
responsive to your FOIL request.
Any person denied access to a requested record may, within thirty (30) days of the denial,
appeal the denial in writing by mail or fax to Caroline J. Downey, General Counsel, N.Y.S.
Division of Human Rights, One Fordham Plaza, 4th Floor, Bronx, New York 10458.
*From:* noreply-openfoil@its.ny.gov <its.sm.openfoil@its.ny.gov>
*Sent:* Friday, February 2, 2024 6:43 AM *To:* dhr.dl.foil <foil@dhr.ny.gov>; dob.sm.foil <foil@budget.ny.gov>; dfs.sm.RecordsAccessOfficer <recordsaccessofficer@dfs.ny.gov> *Subject:* Open FOIL NY Request From : Gunnar Larson : NY-DFS Superintendent Adrienne Harris Recusal Records
*New FOIL Request for Division of Human Rights, Division of the Budget, Department of Financial Services *
Submitted on: 2/2/2024 6:43:04 AM Request Confirmation Number : LARSON_DHR_20240202064304145
*First Name*
*Middle Initial*
*Last Name*
xNY.io - Bank.org
*Street Address 1*
406 West 25th Street
*Street Address 2*
New York
*Zip Code*
*Short Title*
NY-DFS Superintendent Adrienne Harris Recusal Records
Dear Madam or Sir: On March 30, 2022 New York Magazine published a profile of NY-DFS Superintendent Adrienne Harris titled "Crypto’s Most Powerful Regulator Is Here Adrienne Harris, New York’s financial watchdog, has enormous sway over the industry’s future" ( https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/03/adrienne-harris-is-cryptos-most-powe...). The profile of Superintendent Harris quotes "... that she would recuse herself from any dealings with companies she has conflicts with." xNY.io - Bank.org seeks access to any and all records specific to Superintendent Harris' recusal(s) as of February 1, 2024. Thank you, Gunnar -- Gunnar Larson xNY.io | Bank.org MSc - Digital Currency MBA - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) G@xNY.io +1-917-580-8053 New York, New York 10001
*FOIL Response Format*
*If fees apply, please contact me if costs will be greater than*
*Additional Information*
I am a representative of, or affiliated with, the news media and this request is made as part of a news gathering effort , I am an individual seeking information for personal use , I am affiliated with an educational or non-commercial scientific institution, and this request is made for a scholarly or scientific purpose , I am affiliated with a private corporation and am seeking information for use in the company’s business for commercial purpose