​Oh, no denying the over-generalizing of my usage of "Society", but the point is plain, and valid.  We have a method of laws (aka Society - not only regarding it's application of Power)​ which we live under.  If raising a Child means empowering/guiding that person to have a healthy understanding of Themselves, Others, Institutions, etc, one must provide an example - as Guide.

RE: Native Peoples, yes, they did the same thing.  My child [5] can safely walk to the park and back in the over-urbanized environment we live because we've provided him the space to learn how to do so; neighbourhood walks, back-woods treks, etc.  Would I trust him to be okay going to the city-core?  Neither would a Native People have let their child go on a similarly arduous trek.  The scale/surroundings are different, the means and ends are the same:  Teach Independence while providing a reasonably sheltered environment to learn that Independence.

By providing Supervision on his learning, he did so.  The State/Parents do not need to squash all his attempts, nor can Parents/State be divorced from his efforts.  Do we laws dictating "Child shall be no more than x feet from home unattended" ... clearly not, perhaps cases such as the Free Range Parenting will spur the creation of those laws from the pro-Nanny crowd.

That is my usage of "Society" - more narrow than the put-upon extrapolations of the gallery; which were perhaps teased out by my over generalized usage earlier ... but, hey, what's Intertube proselytizing with out some trolling.

> If an individual fails to adhere to guidelines of their Society,
> they are punished.  That is what Society is for.

This was not irony. Yes?