21 Mar
21 Mar
9:55 a.m.
Dnia czwartek, 20 marca 2014 23:53:00 coderman pisze:
On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 10:54 PM, Scott Blaydes <scott@sbce.org> wrote:
... how about blocking all federal government IPs for 24 hours?
QUANTUMTHEORY means if they're in path you're fucked. ;)
As far as I understand the idea, blocking would not aim at making it impossible for the NSA to listen-in; instead, it would be a retaliatory tactic, a way of saying "fuck you, we do not like what you're doing". Think of it as a trade embargo. But it would require a lot of balls from these companies. Balls which (I have a hunch) people like Zuckerberg might lack. -- Pozdr rysiek