Art Director/Designer: Sidney Myers Copywriter: Evan Stark Agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach, Inc. Client: Whirlpool HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO FIGHT CITY HALL If you have a product you are not happy with, what do you do? Sit and sulk? Moan to your next-door neighbor? Promise yourself that you'll never buy another product from the manufacturer? A lot of good that will do. No, Mr. and Mrs. Consumer, that's not the answer. If you have a gripe, let the manufacturer know. Call him up. Write to him. Keep after him until he does something about it. Because nothing bothers a reputable manufacturer more than dissatisfied customers. We at Whirlpool believe in putting our money where our mouth is. We believe we make the best appliances you can buy. Automatic washers, dryers, refrigerators, air conditioners, dishwashers, etc. And we also believe our Tech-Care Service specialists provide the best service in our field. In addition, we were the first to do away with the complicated standard warranty and replace it with a fully binding, easy-to-understand warranty letter. We were first to provide a free, nation wide telephone number (800-253-1301) for service information. And we were the first to have consultants answer your calls, thereby solving many of your problems right over the phone. But still and all, we know that you can't please all of the people all of the time. That's the reason for the blank letter on the facing page. If you have a gripe about us, we want to know so we can do something about it. Just write your complaint, tear out the page and mail it to us. If you know anything at all about Whirlpool, you know it won't be ignored. By the way, if you have something nice to say about us, we'd like to hear that too. Steve Upton Vice President, Consumer Services Division Whirlpool Corporation On Wed, Feb 19, 2025, 5:56 PM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote:
Art Director/Designer: Leonard Sirowitz Photographer: Dick Richards Copywriter: Robert Levenson Agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach, Inc. Client: El Al Isreal Airlines
Good people died that might be born in a land called home.
I have heard the stories and seen the graves. But now we are here and the land is ours. Not all milk and honey, but ours.
We shared a name, the land and I--Isreal. And we share a birthday.
Twenty years. For me, a long time. For my people who waited thousands of years, almost nothing.
But we have made something of that nothing.
Now the hills of rocks are hills of trees. Fifty million trees. Jerusalem pines, planted one at a time.
Cities thrive where nothing thrived
Orange trees boom where nothing bloomed.
An almost dead language is alive again. We read the Dead Sea Scrolls as easy as you read this magazine.
We mine copper where King Solomon mined copper.
We make fresh water from the sea, and we share what we have learned with other nations.
We build airports and schools in Asia, sell baby chickens and farm equipment in Europe, and exchange our students with even younger countries in Africa.
How do we go to so many places?
Easy. We have our own airline.
El Al Isreal Airlines.
You don't know what El Al means?
It means "to the skies" in that almost dead langue.
It also means that our jets are welcome in 17 different nations.
Yes, we have everything now: Universities, symphony orchestras, great museums, politicians, dropouts, traffic jams, a little air pollution--everything.
We are of this century, with all the strengths and weaknesses and problems of people everywhere.
We will survive.
Because, above all, we are here. Alive.
In a land called home.
-- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson xNY.io - Bank.org 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 7:59 PM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote:
*Please find the attached memo with reference footnotes.*
*xNY.io - Bank.org | DOJ Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement *
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ajVVx6NGB9wd2GDXfLRftf0RVFpqjl8WWITvdNVX...
March 10, 2022
Mr. John Marzulli United States Department of Justice Eastern District of New York 271 Cadman Plaza East Brooklyn New York, 11201 John.Marzulli@usdoj.gov
Re: Memo #4 - Goldman Sachs Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Dear Mr. Marzulli:
The Department of Justice has yet to respond to Memo #1, Memo #2 and Memo #3 with our recent inquiry to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad Deferred Agreement. Goldman Sachs' Deferred Prosecution Agreement <https://www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/goldman-sachs-resolves-foreign-bribery-case-and-agrees-pay-over-29-billion> with the United States of America is in potential breach, with ethical enforcement being concerned. Memo #4 aims to associate the malfeasance in Malaysia with war crimes of aggression (in the planning, initiation, or execution of a large-scale and serious act of aggression), leveraging the world’s only military divided capital city Nicosia, Cyprus.
Additionally, Memo #4 aims to earn the DOJ’s assessment of New York State’s regulatory marketplace manipulation deriving the war crime against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict. 2.
In this case, the first challenge is to observe and consider the simple idea that the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs alone, through means of regulatory arbitrage naively fails to recognize the ‘cause and effect’ relationship at play at the inception of Memo #4’s assertion of war crimes. 3.
Even with the best of intentions, perhaps unknowingly the DOJ may be amplifying the effect of potential war crimes by indirectly supplementing the root cause of the problem and financial model of the Deferred Agreement being self-policing.
Mr. Marzulli, there has been an active United Nations peacekeeping mission in Cyprus since the 1964 Turkish military invasion and occupation of the northern third of Cyprus. Only Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, while there is broad recognition that the ongoing military presence constitutes occupation of territories that are under Turkish military control.
The graduate education behind Memo #4 is a product of the University of Nicosia’s (UNIC) main campus, located adjacent to the United Nations Buffer Zone that separates the invaded Turkish Republic of North Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, which joined the European Union in 2004. -
Memo #4 is also a product of United Nations consultancy, based at its Manhattan headquarters, where (today, what is now xNY.io - Bank.org) was credited with increasing the breadth and accessibility of reference content from the world’s most important multinational organization. -
Memo #4’s subject of war crimes has preeminent association with such projects as the Audio Visual Library of International Law.
Over the following sections, Memo #4 will provide a detailed timeline that would constitute real concern of the war crime of aggression yielding the war crime against peace in active war conflict in the world’s only military divided capital, funded from Manhattan Island.
The Bank of Cyprus and Illegal Short Selling Irregularities of Turkey’s Markets
Mr. Marzulli, turn this matter as we will, and look at it from any side whatsoever, and it presents the appearance of a cross-border act of aggression. Goldman Sachs’ potential disrespect to the Deferred Agreement’s core values has cultivated new crimes that aim to manipulate cross-border war crime regulatory frameworks.
On April 02, 2021 the Financial Times reported that Turkey fined Goldman Sachs over alleged irregularities in short selling, just a week after foreign investors pulled $1.9B from the country’s stock and bond markets. Turkey’s Capital Markets Board said that Goldman Sachs was among 10 securities firms that had placed orders for short selling without proper notification, violating rules enacted previously that temporarily prohibited such transactions. -
On April 20, 2021 the CyprusMail (Cyprus’ only English Language daily newspaper) reported Goldman Sachs International acted as Global Coordinators and Dealer Managers in a $330M bond issuance for the Bank of Cyprus.
Given the active military conflict in Cyprus, Memo #4 notes that there is one place on the planet you are not supposed to do this sort of thing. Furthermore, the DOJ’s Deferred Agreement with Goldman Sachs may have been tainted with the potential war crime of aggression, risking international peace and the lives of United Nations peacekeepers, while jeopardizing the United States of America’s financial security.
Concern of New York Prime Bank Instrument Fraud and Marketplace Manipulation
The United States Department of the Treasury warns that Prime Bank Instrument Fraud schemes have attracted significant international attention, since individuals and organizations have lost billions of dollars worldwide. "Prime Bank Instrument Fraud" is the general term given to prime bank fraud schemes that go by many different names.
During April 2021, Goldman Sachs could not in good faith (and, plausible deniability) make any reasonable claim of holding a pristine relationship with Turkey’s Central Bank or with Cyprus’ largest financial institutions, given the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal and then pending Deferred Prosecution Agreement with the United States of America.
Memo #4 suggests that Goldman Sachs developed a Prime Bank Instrument Fraud program to level out yo-yo market dynamics caused by failed marketplace manipulation exercises in Turkey and Cyprus. -
Systematic bank fraud and/or marketplace manipulation of any kind between Turkey and Cyprus could constitute the war crime of aggression. -
Furthermore, Memo #4 argues that Goldman Sachs may have tried to bambooze governments in New York, Cyprus and Turkey through regulatory arbitrage loopholes, while Goldman seemingly may have not considered the totality of such actions as war crimes.
Turkey has the highest inflation in Europe. It has the second-highest rate of inflation among emerging markets, just behind Argentina. It has the 13th highest inflation rate in the world, ranking it between South Sudan and Nigeria. After Goldman Sachs was fined for illegal stock and bond market short selling by the Turkish government, logic would argue further malfeasance potentially could have been avoided by the DOJ’s 1Malaysia Development Berhad investigation.
On April 15, 2021 CNBC reported that Goldman Sachs (note, the previous section’s milestones of April 02, 2021 and April 20, 2021) crucially removed its bias toward Turkey tightening interest rates. Goldman issued guidance highlighting the fact that the bank thought that, “…the removal of the tightening bias against rising inflation expectations suggests that the TCMB (Turkish Central Bank) now has a more dovish reaction function.” -
On August 14, 2021 the CyprusMail reported serious concern among economists about data reporting from the Turkish Statistical Institute. Ahmet Takan, a former official with the office of the Turkish prime minister, acted as a whistle blower, warning that Turkey potentially was manipulating inflation data. -
On September 1, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs hiked Turkish growth forecasts. Goldman economists issued guidance stating, "Overall, the Turkish economy has been able to grow faster than we thought without a deterioration in its external balances, as the pickup in foreign demand has been very supportive." -
On November 30, 2021 Reuters reported that Goldman Sachs trimed Turkey’s 2022 growth forecast. Goldman Sachs' Murat Unur stated, "We think that the GDP figures released today tell us little about the pace of economic activity going forward as the recent sell-off in the Lira is likely to impact economic activity significantly"
Mr. Marzulli, the DOJ’s Deferred Prosecution Agreement with Goldman Sachs was signed on October 21, 2021. The timeline of events above do not coincide with terms and conditions of the Deferred Agreement mandated by the United States of America.
Furthermore, as an international graduate scholars of the world’s only military divided capital on the planet, xNY.io - Bank.org should be protected from any association of crimes against peace, related to the planning, preparation, initiation, waging or participation in a common plan or conspiracy related to a war of aggression, which can only apply in relation to international armed conflict.
War Crimes Against Humanity
Mr. Marzulli, xNY.io - Bank.org is concerned that potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement are impacting our global enterprise. Crimes against humanity can be committed in peacetime as well as during an armed conflict. Even a single act could fall under this exclusion ground provided it forms part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and the act is committed by any person (including a civilian) who had knowledge of the attack and the link of the act to the attack.
We are looking to learn more about the DOJ’s approach to assessing any potential breaches to the Deferred Agreement’s mandates as we determine New York State’s role in cross-border bank regulation and corresponding innovation beyond war crimes against humanity. 2.
In order to establish whether a war crime or a crime against humanity has been committed, the case officer should consult the relevant international instruments and case law. 3.
Crimes against humanity are fundamentally inhumane acts, committed as part of a systematic or widespread attack. Inhumane acts, which could reach this threshold when committed pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy (potentially, New York State bank regulation). 4.
Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, or other grounds that are universally recognised as impermissible under international law. 5.
Furthermore, we have made 28 highlights to the Deferred Agreement providing supporting reference to Memo #4’s overarching premise.
xNY.io - Bank.org submits Memo #4 for DOJ consideration of other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Some crimes against humanity would require an additional specific intent, such as Goldman Sachs willfully disrespecting New York State and/or overall peace and security of the United States of America.
Memo #1, Memo #2, Memo #3 and Memo #4 outline instances that correspond with the associated definitions of the potential war crimes abroad and jeopardize the future of bank innovation from New York, at great sacrifice to the Homeland.
We hope to learn the DOJ’s approach to comment on Memo #4’s subject matter or, without delay refer these concerns to the International Criminal Court and/or International Court of Justice for comment.
Respectfully yours with anticipation,
Gunnar Larson - xNY.io <http://www.xny.io> | Bank.org
<http://bank.org>MSc <https://www.unic.ac.cy/blockchain/msc-digital-currency/?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Search&utm_campaign=MSc-Digital-Currency-North-America&utm_term=blockchain%20unic&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyJOBBhDCARIsAJG2h5ctwwMz0MRbVSk-LaYD-GMU5UgDSw7ynxbGr_a7SkaFAZzJc1-pzxEaAi4NEALw_wcB> - Digital Currency MBA <https://www.unic.ac.cy/business-administration-entrepreneurship-and-innovation-mba-1-5-years-or-3-semesters/> - Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ip) G@xNY.io +1-646-454-9107
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:59 AM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
xNY.io - Bank.org would like to seek Goldman Sachs' approval to list NYDFS Superintendent Adrienne A. Harris as an expert witness to the Deferred Agreement’s potential regulatory enforcement malfeasance.
Sotomayor Won't Relieve Crypto Maven From Witness ID Rule <https://www.law360.com/capitalmarkets/articles/2298437?nl_pk=35f19b02-1b5d-4d87-9886-0568d6f0b360&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=capitalmarkets&utm_content=2025-02-18&read_main=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=11>
By Elliot Weld
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor denied a bid from the founder of cryptocurrency service Tornado Cash to overturn a Manhattan federal judge's order to disclose whom he might call as an expert witness at his upcoming trial on money-laundering and sanctions-dodging charges.
Read full article » <https://www.law360.com/capitalmarkets/articles/2298437?nl_pk=35f19b02-1b5d-4d87-9886-0568d6f0b360&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=capitalmarkets&utm_content=2025-02-18&read_more=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=11> | Save to favorites » <https://www.law360.com/capitalmarkets/articles/2298437?nl_pk=35f19b02-1b5d-4d87-9886-0568d6f0b360&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=capitalmarkets&utm_content=2025-02-18&read_later=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=11> xNY.io - Bank.org respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson xNY.io - Bank.org 646-554-7514
On Tue, Feb 18, 2025, 11:27 AM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
xNY.io - Bank.org reminds Goldman Sachs' Board Directors that the Deferred Agreement’s mandates would include individual transactions of Gold Sachs' "Platform Services" software business.
SEC Says Crypto Task Force Could Resolve Coinbase Case <https://www.law360.com/capitalmarkets/articles/2298671?nl_pk=35f19b02-1b5d-4d87-9886-0568d6f0b360&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=capitalmarkets&utm_content=2025-02-18&read_main=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=9>
By Aislinn Keely
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission told the Second Circuit that its newly formed cryptocurrency task force effort may lead to a resolution in its enforcement case against Coinbase, warranting a brief delay to the regulator responding to the crypto exchange's bid for appellate review of whether securities laws apply to the transactions on its platform.
Motion attached | Read full article » <https://www.law360.com/capitalmarkets/articles/2298671?nl_pk=35f19b02-1b5d-4d87-9886-0568d6f0b360&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=capitalmarkets&utm_content=2025-02-18&read_more=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=9> | Save to favorites » <https://www.law360.com/capitalmarkets/articles/2298671?nl_pk=35f19b02-1b5d-4d87-9886-0568d6f0b360&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=capitalmarkets&utm_content=2025-02-18&read_later=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=9> xNY.io - Bank.org was made aware that Goldman Sachs' Platform Services software business was engaged with WorldBank.org; Working against xNY.io - Bank.org.
When xNY.io - Bank.org says "working against," this does not entail standard competition business.
xNY.io - Bank.org is referring to an alleged $200B (potentially over two years, 2022 - 2024), in funds Goldman Sachs' Platform Services softwares may have laundered through WorldBank.org, inevitably 'working against' xNY.io - Bank.org's mission for World Peace.
If Goldman Sachs' above relationship with WorldBank.org is true, xNY.io - Bank.org would consider Goldman Sachs' Platform Services a distressed software enterprise.
New Delisting Rules Shorten Leash For Distressed Companies <https://www.law360.com/capitalmarkets/articles/2297912?nl_pk=35f19b02-1b5d-4d87-9886-0568d6f0b360&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=capitalmarkets&utm_content=2025-02-18&read_main=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=0>
By Tom Zanki
Distressed companies should take heed of new stock exchange rules that are likely to accelerate delistings for stocks that trade below minimum requirements, particularly targeting businesses that rely on reverse stock splits to inflate their share prices, attorneys say.
Read full article » <https://www.law360.com/capitalmarkets/articles/2297912?nl_pk=35f19b02-1b5d-4d87-9886-0568d6f0b360&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=capitalmarkets&utm_content=2025-02-18&read_more=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=0> | Save to favorites » <https://www.law360.com/capitalmarkets/articles/2297912?nl_pk=35f19b02-1b5d-4d87-9886-0568d6f0b360&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=capitalmarkets&utm_content=2025-02-18&read_later=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=0> It is for these reasons xNY.io - Bank.org is exploring options to potentially enforce Goldman Sachs' Deferred Agreement in the near term.
xNY.io - Bank.org respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson xNY.io - Bank.org 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:43 AM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Essentially, xNY.io - Bank.org's intent to exercise the Deferred Agreement is rooted in precedent.
4 Potential Effects Of 3rd Circ.'s Coinbase Ruling <https://www.law360.com/delaware/articles/2292572?nl_pk=9f0ef0c6-df48-47ce-8c94-4f68ac959c6f&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=delaware&utm_content=2025-02-14&read_main=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=13>
The Third Circuit's recent landmark decision in Coinbase v. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that the SEC's refusal to engage in rulemaking to clarify its stance on crypto enforcement was "insufficiently reasoned" could have wide-ranging impacts, including on other cases, legislation and even the SEC's reputation itself, says Daniel Payne at Cole-Frieman.
Opinion attached | Read full article » <https://www.law360.com/delaware/articles/2292572?nl_pk=9f0ef0c6-df48-47ce-8c94-4f68ac959c6f&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=delaware&utm_content=2025-02-14&read_more=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=13> | Save to favorites » <https://www.law360.com/delaware/articles/2292572?nl_pk=9f0ef0c6-df48-47ce-8c94-4f68ac959c6f&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=delaware&utm_content=2025-02-14&read_later=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=13>
xNY.io - Bank.org respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson -- Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson xNY.io - Bank.org 646-554-7514
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 10:17 AM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote:
Goldman Sachs:
Anyone going to Summer Camp?
SoCal Judge Admonished For 'Demeaning' Female Lawyers <https://www.law360.com/legalethics/articles/2298114?nl_pk=87c9365b-e736-431a-87d3-d121d8acafcf&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=legalethics&utm_content=2025-02-14&read_main=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=1>
By Rachel Scharf
A Southern California judge was publicly reprimanded by the state's judicial discipline agency Thursday for a yearslong "pattern of discourteous, undignified and impatient behavior" toward female attorneys, including the use of profanities and inappropriate gestures meant to convey the act of pumping breast milk.
Decision attached | Read full article » <https://www.law360.com/legalethics/articles/2298114?nl_pk=87c9365b-e736-431a-87d3-d121d8acafcf&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=legalethics&utm_content=2025-02-14&read_more=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=1> | Save to favorites » <https://www.law360.com/legalethics/articles/2298114?nl_pk=87c9365b-e736-431a-87d3-d121d8acafcf&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=legalethics&utm_content=2025-02-14&read_later=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=1> xNY.io - Bank.org respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional rights?
Gunnar Larson
On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 6:00 AM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote:
> Goldman Sachs: > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM, xNY.io - Bank.org sent you a message > concerning SDNY and EDNY regulatory arbitrage. > > Please forgive me in omitting: > > SDNY US Atty Resigns, Alleging Trump-Adams 'Quid Pro Quo' > <https://www.law360.com/mergersacquisitions/articles/2298034?nl_pk=34b724c6-95c5-49a3-b963-aea9d35fbb95&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mergersacquisitions&utm_content=2025-02-14&read_main=1&nlsidx=1&nlaidx=0> > > By Frank G. Runyeon > > Danielle R. Sassoon, the interim U.S. attorney for the Southern > District of New York, resigned Thursday after she refused an order by U.S. > Department of Justice officials to drop the federal corruption charges > against New York City Mayor Eric Adams and expressed concern the move was > part of an improper quid pro quo with President Donald Trump. > > Read full article » > <https://www.law360.com/mergersacquisitions/articles/2298034?nl_pk=34b724c6-95c5-49a3-b963-aea9d35fbb95&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mergersacquisitions&utm_content=2025-02-14&read_more=1&nlsidx=1&nlaidx=0> > | Save to favorites » > <https://www.law360.com/mergersacquisitions/articles/2298034?nl_pk=34b724c6-95c5-49a3-b963-aea9d35fbb95&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=mergersacquisitions&utm_content=2025-02-14&read_later=1&nlsidx=1&nlaidx=0> > xNY.io - Bank.org respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional > rights. > > Thank you, > > Gunnar Larson > -- > Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson > xNY.io - Bank.org > 646-554-7514 > > On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 5:55 AM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote: > >> Goldman Sachs: >> >> xNY.io - Bank.org respectfully refuses to yo-yo between SDNY and >> EDNY and this Deferred Agreement. >> >> NYDFS Superintendent Harris and New York City Mayor Eric Adams are >> well aware of what xNY.io - Bank.org is referring to between SDNY and EDNY >> jurisdictional arbitrage. >> >> SafeMoon CEO's Trial Not Delayed By Crypto Policy Shifts >> <https://www.law360.com/capitalmarkets/articles/2297795?nl_pk=35f19b02-1b5d-4d87-9886-0568d6f0b360&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=capitalmarkets&utm_content=2025-02-14&read_main=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=3> >> >> By Aislinn Keely >> >> A Brooklyn federal judge has declined to delay the late March start >> to a trial for the CEO of bankrupt cryptocurrency asset company SafeMoon >> LLC despite the executive's arguments that recent crypto policy shifts >> could cut the securities fraud charge from the counts against him. >> >> Read full article » >> <https://www.law360.com/capitalmarkets/articles/2297795?nl_pk=35f19b02-1b5d-4d87-9886-0568d6f0b360&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=capitalmarkets&utm_content=2025-02-14&read_more=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=3> >> | Save to favorites » >> <https://www.law360.com/capitalmarkets/articles/2297795?nl_pk=35f19b02-1b5d-4d87-9886-0568d6f0b360&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=capitalmarkets&utm_content=2025-02-14&read_later=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=3> >> Seeking relevant relief in Orange, County California is synonymous >> with this Orange County Register feature: >> https://www.ocregister.com/2019/12/06/heres-how-orange-county-went-broke/amp... >> >> "The scene, 25 years ago this month, could have been lifted from a >> mob movie: >> >> Ten top power-brokers in Orange County government headed to an >> exclusive Italian restaurant for a secret Saturday dinner. Strung out from >> a string of all-nighters — they’d been working to keep the county’s $20 >> billion investment pool from imploding — the meal was to be a >> pressure-reliever, a breather, a reward. >> >> Despite the headlines just two days earlier — “O.C. fund down $1.5 >> billion” — it seemed, on Dec. 3, 1994, that things might work out. During >> marathon calls with Wall Street brokers and local city bureaucrats they’d >> delivered a smooth new mantra — “It’s just a paper loss. Everything’s under >> control… Don’t panic!”" >> >> xNY.io - Bank.org respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >> rights. >> >> Thank you, >> >> Gunnar Larson >> -- >> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >> xNY.io - Bank.org >> 646-554-7514 >> >> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:54 AM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote: >> >>> Goldman Sachs: >>> >>> As soon as xNY.io - Bank.org became successful, Goldman Sachs >>> started harassing us in the background. >>> >>> Just yesterday, I misspelled "Coinbase" as "Counbase" and Goldman >>> Sachs immediately began questioning my intellect. >>> >>> This harassment first sprung up on my radar when NYDFS contracted >>> Goldman Sachs to investigate my B12 blood records. >>> >>> Exec Proves Harassment By Inflexion-Backed Finance Firm >>> <https://www.law360.co.uk/financial-services-uk/articles/2297614?nl_pk=9aaa8860-7735-4b56-abff-576e74202fd7&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=financial-services-uk&utm_content=2025-02-14&read_main=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=1> >>> >>> By Jamie Lennox >>> >>> A finance firm back by private equity provider Inflexion harassed >>> one of its executives before penalizing him for blowing the whistle on >>> bullying by giving him a less generous equity package when he left, a >>> tribunal has ruled. >>> >>> Read full article » >>> <https://www.law360.co.uk/financial-services-uk/articles/2297614?nl_pk=9aaa8860-7735-4b56-abff-576e74202fd7&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=financial-services-uk&utm_content=2025-02-14&read_more=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=1> >>> | Save to favorites » >>> <https://www.law360.co.uk/financial-services-uk/articles/2297614?nl_pk=9aaa8860-7735-4b56-abff-576e74202fd7&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=financial-services-uk&utm_content=2025-02-14&read_later=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=1> >>> xNY.io - Bank.org respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>> rights. >>> >>> Thank you, >>> >>> Gunnar Larson >>> -- >>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>> xNY.io - Bank.org >>> 646-554-7514 >>> >>> On Fri, Feb 14, 2025, 4:19 AM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote: >>> >>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>> >>>> xNY.io - Bank.org's intent is clear. >>>> >>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Coinbase precicident and SEC >>>> Twitter deal precicident. >>>> >>>> xNY.io - Bank.org's intent is to exercise the Deferred >>>> Agreement’s mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>> >>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>> <https://www.law360.com/cybersecurity-privacy/articles/2297492?nl_pk=fb101149-eb3b-4ea0-9196-fcd8c48ca69a&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=cybersecurity-privacy&utm_content=2025-02-13&read_main=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=7> >>>> >>>> By Gina Kim >>>> >>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>> undermine a competitor." >>>> >>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>> <https://www.law360.com/cybersecurity-privacy/articles/2297492?nl_pk=fb101149-eb3b-4ea0-9196-fcd8c48ca69a&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=cybersecurity-privacy&utm_content=2025-02-13&read_more=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=7> >>>> | Save to favorites » >>>> <https://www.law360.com/cybersecurity-privacy/articles/2297492?nl_pk=fb101149-eb3b-4ea0-9196-fcd8c48ca69a&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=cybersecurity-privacy&utm_content=2025-02-13&read_later=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=7> >>>> xNY.io - Bank.org respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>> rights. >>>> >>>> Thank you, >>>> >>>> Gunnar Larson >>>> -- >>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>> xNY.io - Bank.org >>>> 646-554-7514 >>>> >>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:56 PM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>> >>>>> xNY.io - Bank.org's intent is clear. >>>>> >>>>> Our intent shares Supreme Court 5/4 Counbase precicident and SEC >>>>> Twitter deal precicident. >>>>> >>>>> xNY.io - Bank.org's is to exercise the Deferred Agreement’s >>>>> mandates. In Orange County, California if necessary. >>>>> >>>>> OpenAI Says Musk Takeover Bid 'Exposes' Intent Behind Suit >>>>> <https://www.law360.com/cybersecurity-privacy/articles/2297492?nl_pk=fb101149-eb3b-4ea0-9196-fcd8c48ca69a&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=cybersecurity-privacy&utm_content=2025-02-13&read_main=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=7> >>>>> >>>>> By Gina Kim >>>>> >>>>> OpenAI on Thursday told a California federal judge overseeing >>>>> Elon Musk's lawsuit seeking to block OpenAI from becoming a for-profit >>>>> enterprise that the Tesla founder has proposed acquiring OpenAI's business, >>>>> saying the takeover effort reveals Musk's lawsuit to be "an improper bid to >>>>> undermine a competitor." >>>>> >>>>> Letter attached | Read full article » >>>>> <https://www.law360.com/cybersecurity-privacy/articles/2297492?nl_pk=fb101149-eb3b-4ea0-9196-fcd8c48ca69a&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=cybersecurity-privacy&utm_content=2025-02-13&read_more=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=7> >>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>> <https://www.law360.com/cybersecurity-privacy/articles/2297492?nl_pk=fb101149-eb3b-4ea0-9196-fcd8c48ca69a&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=cybersecurity-privacy&utm_content=2025-02-13&read_later=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=7> >>>>> xNY.io - Bank.org respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>> rights. >>>>> >>>>> Thank you, >>>>> >>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>> -- >>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>> xNY.io - Bank.org >>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>> >>>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025, 4:35 PM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>> >>>>>> Today I am hearing Goldman Sachs is disrespecting our earnest >>>>>> and honest challenge in Orange County, California. >>>>>> >>>>>> Arena Liquidators Challenge Lloyds' Directors' Authority Defense >>>>>> <https://www.law360.co.uk/financial-services-uk/articles/2292050?nl_pk=9aaa8860-7735-4b56-abff-576e74202fd7&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=financial-services-uk&utm_content=2025-02-13&read_main=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=4> >>>>>> >>>>>> By Eddie Beaver >>>>>> >>>>>> Arena Television's liquidators have dismissed Lloyds Bank's >>>>>> defense to allegations it processed payments linked to a £1.2 billion ($1.5 >>>>>> billion) fraud, saying the bank's claim it was acting on the instructions >>>>>> of directors who were authorized to make the payments is "unsustainable." >>>>>> >>>>>> Read full article » >>>>>> <https://www.law360.co.uk/financial-services-uk/articles/2292050?nl_pk=9aaa8860-7735-4b56-abff-576e74202fd7&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=financial-services-uk&utm_content=2025-02-13&read_more=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=4> >>>>>> | Save to favorites » >>>>>> <https://www.law360.co.uk/financial-services-uk/articles/2292050?nl_pk=9aaa8860-7735-4b56-abff-576e74202fd7&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=financial-services-uk&utm_content=2025-02-13&read_later=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=4> >>>>>> >>>>>> And just when former Vice President Harris' husband announces >>>>>> he is getting into the law profession. Ms. Harris is the former California >>>>>> Attorney General. >>>>>> >>>>>> We would be rushing to Orange County, California because of >>>>>> special problems (in Goldman Sachs' words "...the will of the New York FBI >>>>>> to enforce the Deferred Agreement.") in New York with Letitia James, New >>>>>> York State Attorney General. >>>>>> >>>>>> xNY.io - Bank.org respectfully reserves all Interjurisdictional >>>>>> rights. >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you, >>>>>> >>>>>> Gunnar Larson >>>>>> -- >>>>>> Gunnar Donald Arthur Peter Larson >>>>>> xNY.io - Bank.org >>>>>> 646-554-7514 >>>>>> >>>>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025, 7:32 PM Gunnar Larson <g@xny.io> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Goldman Sachs: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> xNY.io - Bank.org has no big problem serving your firm >>>>>>> properly. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Furthermore, xNY.io - Bank.org has worked to prevent Gomdman >>>>>>> Sachs' collapse. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> <https://www.law360.com/capitalmarkets/articles/2296046?nl_pk=35f19b02-1b5d-4d87-9886-0568d6f0b360&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=capitalmarkets&utm_content=2025-02-11&read_main=1&nlsidx=0&nlaidx=2> >>>>>>> >>>>>>