i think there could be solutions utilized like easily shifting the ip address of comp and router yourself in your own little hut > 'ghost' it but not thru others .... pretty fucking simple i know but maybe effective in a really different way than having the fake government of the US build something and use people that are activists against them to make it work also i think the infrastructure is too bulky
i like to think about satelites (and thats all i will say about that) - i dont know i would have to have a real think about solutions it is very important to think about it and not just the problem for sure but i dont think the methodology of tor is a solution i think it is a stoppage point that people are not seeing beyond ... people dont think it has been penetrated and i have no proof of that but maybe that isnt the main problem for me ... structurally speaking it is a disaster ... the masses being handed a tool in order to subvert the government??? as they say you cant make this shit up
i know that when i was in syria i could get a fucking video call in the desert where there was nothing ... this was syria not a rich country per say like at all so i think the choking of the communication system is super in play ... if others dont think thats a problem then they need to educate themselves ... do people that live in the US on this list even know that the infrastructure of fiber optics that underlies the communications may not even be utilized in their city and that the reason it is not used is because the communication companies bought a contract with there city that freezes it all up? please look into the chatanooga model if you dont know about this 'freemarket' bullshit>>>> also fyi iraq had video calls nationwide in 2000 or even before ... now i am not sure what tech they were using i think radiowaves and shooting the signal over land that way but it all points to a tremendous shut down of functionality .... not that it was probably all that healthy for people but...
sure we can write each other little words on this frame of communications but see what happens when attempting to shift in a large way ... like when they printed the 3d gun... people had to git fr USA & like when barrett made project pm and this is a major reason i think there should be as many solutions as possible not just one - not as easy for gov/corp to take them out