On Jun 17, 2016 2:04 PM, "Ryan Carboni" <ryacko@gmail.com> wrote:
> https://twitter.com/YourAnonCentral/status/743498759892406272

Meh, too childish...  It's becoming pretty boring!  :-/

Maybe a man can't see it, but even the most stupid woman in the world can notice an evident *lie* in the last statment published. 

The obvious efforts trying to adjust the accusations to being more realistic and plausible, giving also more colours and emotions, are pretty interesting.  I like it!  ;)

I didn't stop to search for some trustworthy information and for more references in last days. 

A programmer (woman) told me some 'juicy gossip' about one of alleged victims, but it would be pretty disgusting to tell it here.  Ugh!  :-/

Well, in thesis, one of alleged victims is being hypocrite and hates Jacob.  It was obvious since the first message, but some of the reasons were unexpected for me, at least.  I need to search more information about it and verify if it is really true before invite her to write a statment or tell more about it in a trial.

Another tech woman, a brutally sincere friend who I love a lot and consider one of the most intelligent persons that I know, perceived the lie that I mentioned before I point it to her.  It simply does not make sense...  :-/

I always says my friend is a 'feminazi' who hates all the men and she knows about it and says even worse things about me, hahaha!!  She is really bitter sometimes, but pretty realistic and I do love extremely sincere friends, haha!!  ;D

Well, she knows in person Jake, Isis and a lot of people mentioned and doesn't like anyone.  None of them, I swear.  :P

Told me some stories about egocentrism, injured pride, politics, money, etc, and asked me to avoid this kind of f*cking harmful crazy people because I am too stupid to protect myself, haha!!  It makes sense, but now I am curious about the truth, haha!!  ;D

She asked me to avoid meetings with one of alleged victims at any cost, because "she is a f*cking sick jealous crazy b*tch", able of killing me and tell lies about self-defense or psychotical breaks and lapses of memory in public.  My friend is a bit neurotic, but is a good woman and is just worried about me, hihi...  ;)

Just in case, the world is really small and I will contact one of the ex-partners of this alleged victim in special.  I don't know him, but I would like to know if she likes scandals, lies, breaking objects, this kind of crazy stupid actions...  She has an ego much bigger than usual and I know that Jake has the same problem, ugh!  :P

Warm hugs and tender kisses!!!  Ah, thank you everybody!!!  I received some lovely messages about helping homeless people and two donations, yay!!!  ;D

(No Tor t-shirts, but some hot blankets!  <3 )