This critique is applicable to all forms of comsec/infosec/anonymity/Tor although the incessant promotion various means to escape being hacked, tracked, decrypted, identified appears to be unstoppable due to the monetization and assurances of protection for internet users by predators and bullshitters working hand in hand with authorities which are extremely pleased with the aiders and abetters, not a few which came into prominance and profitability on this shewd mail list and its offshoots, luring gullible readers into capacious honeypots, watering holes, stings, dark markets, cults of dead cows exploitation, enlistment into spy agencies and professorships and law offices and NGOs and financial theiveries..
"PGP and Gnupgp," "PRZ," "RSA," "AES," "open source," "digital cash," "e-gold," "bitcoin," "Satoshi," "work around censorship," "don't trust governments," "write code," "assassination politics," "EFF," "WikiLeaks." Hut, two, three, four.
Some have died on public duty, others smeared, imprisoned and exiled, quite a few gone onto dreary jobs in the security industry bossed, herded, contemned, retired by MBA lunkheads reaping top benefits over the grunts chained to computers deranged by dreams of what could have been and maybe still can be. Get sec vaxed, often, jabbed with updates unending as wars. Best to cooperate, deliver speeches, grab bounties, warn of threats, dismiss opponents.