On 2/2/21, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:
On Mon, 1 Feb 2021 15:48:18 -0500 Karl <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
Juan, you don't mean these things you say here.
Of course I mean what I say. And I say what I mean.
And I'm one of the many reincarnations of hope, but that doesn't mean people should ever make decisions based off of that.
You don't have to say them in this thread.
Why would I let that sort of US govt propaganda pass? I find it especially repulsive.
Thanks for keeping the thread nice for the rest of the day I posted it <3 It's is _disgusting_ that they call it human trafficking now instead of slavery, and that makes it _obvious_ that slavers influenced them. It's still pretty obvious they're resisting that.
Maybe you shouldn't be promoting the US govt on this list? And painting the US govt as being opposed to slavery, a preposterous idea.
There are at least two different US governments: 1. the words written on paper 2. the behaviors that people actually engage in and they're blurry. On paper, the US govt is firmly opposed to slavery. Most people believe in the paper and hate the actions. It would be ideal if we could share human trafficking rescue avenues that are run by anarchists, but if I did that they would get obliterated by their local government's unwritten behaviors.
"received $3.5 million through competitive funding through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Grant # 90ZV0134-01-00. The project will be financed with 71.87% of federal funds and 28.13% ($1.37 million) by non-governmental sources"
of course that '28%' of 'non govt sources' comes from 'private' fascists of the bill gates-soros kind.
It's shitty that our avenues are the ones that are "authorised". It's ludicrous to ask every victim to ask for help themselves, when victims are taught alternate languages where asking for help is spoken in words that keep everyone enslaved. I don't know this situation well enough to respect you, here, but it's obvious that you're posting things that are illogical more than it is worth your time to do so. It's obvious that me, zenaan, and professor rat are also doing these things. The things we're posting help the interests of people with a lot of money. Those people have probably effectively enslaved us in some way. Some of us may be viscerally and highly aware of that being the case, and that set of people may not be related to the set of people able to talk about it, but all of us can get government aid for being abused if we demonstrate real symptoms of abuse.