Dnia wtorek, 18 listopada 2014 14:23:10 Eric Mill pisze:
I meant USGOV protects USGOV. (Although not USGOV employees per se...) Cybersecurity wise USGOV probably doesn't/hardly need HTTPS, depending on the abilities of adversaries.
Of course. US govt using https in their stupid propaganda websites is irrelant. What is weird is that some US govt employee bothered to advertise it here. Is he clueless? Was he trolling?
I wasn't trolling. I've been a member of this list, and paying close attention to the field, since well before I joined the US government (which happened back in May).
Before this, I worked for 5 years at a relatively adversarial non-profit group focused on government transparency, called the Sunlight Foundation.
Oh my. Now get ready for the trolls doing reverse-jumping-to-conclusions that Sunlight Foundation must be a USGOV front. Anywhoo, thanks for sharing, and keep up the good work. I subscribe to the idea that if something brings more encryption to the open web, it's a good idea. -- Pozdr rysiek