Dnia środa, 26 lutego 2014 09:38:27 Matej Kovacic pisze:
I have no idea how and where to the Telegram crew "winds" their costs. Nor do I care, as long as the communication is secured even from their own potential meddling.
So the question is: is it?
Founders of Telegram are also founders of VK, VKontakte, russian alternative to Facebook.
Ah, I had no idea! That is indeed a crucial element of that puzzle.
The question here is, how close ties has VK with FSB, and how close ties have their founders with FSB?
That is true. On the other hand, if the end-to-end crypto is safe and resilient even against their own MITM attack, this is less of an issue (just as the fact that TOR development is financed by the US Government is less of an issue due to how effective and safe TOR is). -- Pozdr rysiek