On Sat, 14 Mar 2020 15:31:26 -0500 "\\0xDynamite" <dreamingforward@gmail.com> wrote:
Corona is a Biblical event.
YESSS!!!! That's the perfect conclusion for this fine mailing list, whose content is mostly : 1) technofascist spam - yeah, 'technology' is 'liberating' humanity 2) CIA spam against 'sexual predators' and assange 3) grarpamp SPAM - that's just plain...jewtube link spam - I'd love to know how much jewtube pays for every link the grarpamp bots spams. 4) CIA-KGB spam from zerohedge 5) kkkristian spam against satanic sex cults 6) seasonal flu hysteria spam 7) more random spam Did I miss any piece of valuable spam? Notice that none of the people who post spam actually can argue anything. They just copy-paste copypasta. Yes agent young, your gallant fight against 'sexual predators' will earn you a new CIA medal!