On Sat, 23 Jan 2016 21:54:14 +0100 rysiek <rysiek@hackerspace.pl> wrote:
Dnia sobota, 23 stycznia 2016 15:55:41 juan pisze:
On Sat, 23 Jan 2016 07:41:16 -0800 Rayzer <Rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
rysiek vomited:
Power corrupts whenever people have unchecked power. Wether or not it is private sector, mafia, government, or civil society, if it has enough power, it *will* corrupt people.
Anybody(rysiek) who equates 'civil society' (voluntary organization) with the mafia/government - a criminal organization by definition - shows that he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
Are you saying criminal organisations never are (or at least start of) as voluntary ones?
The targets/victims of those organizations are not, by definition, 'voluntary'. Like you know, government subjects. Subjects. As in, being subjected to. Against their will. The mafia is a 'voluntary organization' only if you look at the mafiosos. Their VICTIMS, who are extorted, are not 'voluntary' extorted. I don't really need to explain such painfully obvious facts? You are just trolling.
Are you saying no voluntary organisations can ever be or become criminal?
A voluntary organization can stop being voluntary. At that point it's not voluntary anymore. It's becomes a state or state-like organization attacking people. Shouldn't be too hard to understand eh?
Also, I never "equated civil society with mafia/government"
Dude, your whole quote and post are there. You listed mafia and civil society in the same sentece. If your writing is sloppy it's not my fault.
(making such sweeping comparisons seems to be your job here). I said that even within civil society, if a given organisation has too much power, it might corrupt said organisation (or rather, people within it).
Begs the question, what kind of power do they have and how they got it?
Might I offer an example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Watch_Foundation#Blacklist_of_web_pag...
What do you think those idiots stand for? They look like a typical right winger puritan assholes to me. "minimise the availability of 'potentially criminal' " 'criminal' as defined by (your) state. "criminally obscene adult content in the UK" Are you trying to make my points for me rysiek. Why thanks. I do realize that it's possible for assholes like these to be dangerous, but, are they voluntariy selling something on the market place? Or trying to 'morally' police their betters, and more than likely have good deal of state and theocracy backing? (do you know that the UK is a theocracy I hope?)
/me now waits, eating popcorn, for the inevitable No True Scotsman
Sure. That coming from such a master of state logic like you. As in, power bad, but government good. Or is it, "power actually good" when your team uses it?