S thanks for the long URL I can't wait to use it AND this is why I read the list. As far as this thread goes; all of which I read, some dude is starting a pissing contest w/ our beloved JY, for whom I find one of the most treasured agitators. Yeah Jonhs' fucking nuts, but one would have to be In order publish online from mid 90's! Mike Troll Best pisses on list, comes back for a smell, tags it again, returns to take a smell and off to Godwins'm Law. _Mg Communicator...
On Oct 12, 2015, at 10:47 AM, Shelley <shelley@misanthropia.org> wrote:
On October 12, 2015 7:31:31 AM Razer <Rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
The t.co link called by the long link text, which redirects TO the long link, runs this script:
# function(){return!!navigator.geolocation},history:function(){return!(!n.history||!n.history.pushState)},webworker:function(){return!!n.Worker},autofocus:function(){return"autofocus"in #
Thanks for calling attention to that.
That's why it's never a good idea to click on shortened links. I always use something like longurl.org/expand.
On 10/12/2015 05:23 AM, John Young wrote:
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