On Fri, 9 Aug 2019 22:47:02 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
On Thu, Aug 08, 2019 at 05:43:21PM -0300, Punk wrote:
see how much information wikipedia-NSA has on amd-NSA? One could make some searches using google-NSA for "platform security processor" but I'm not bothering.
bottom line, the super-rich who control AMD shouldn't be taxed to death. They must FIRST be executed (AP style or whatever) and then 'their' wealth claimed back by the rightful owners - the 'consumers'.
That thought is appealing on the face of it.
We are hierarchical animals.
No. Human pseudo-cultures are hiearchical, and that's the main problem to be solved. And oh, by the way https://www.etymonline.com/word/hierarchy ierarchie, "rank in the sacred order" - Medieval Latin hierarchia "ranked division of angels" - from Greek hierarkhia "rule of a high priest". Guess what? That's the jew-kkkristians again.
But whatever system we have, some folks will attempt to game, and shall succeed to a greater or lesser extent -
well yeah, but there's a little difference between those people being seen as the enemy, or being seen as the Englightened Leaders of Society. And that's a cultural matter.
so this is in a real sense an eternal mission, of education, of standing for better/ greater/ fairer principles, challenging the pyramid hierarchies which, quite naturally, form over years, centuries, millenia. <snaps metaphorical lobster claws a few times>
Naturally, you mean using fraud and force and massacring the opposition?
Certainly co-operative, auditable, FLOSS/open hardware is in the consciousness of many, thanks to the decades long efforts of many, not least of which is Richard Stallman, and thus like FLOSS software and Red Hat, a real possibility for our shared Star Trek future.
star trek future? star trek is chemically pure american imperial fascist propaganda. A bunch of FUKCING SOLDIERS (lowest scum on earth) who fight and win against all the universe. See? you listen to their propaganda without even realizing it.