On Jan 8, 2018 18:25, "He Will Not Divide Us" <thisyearwewillallseeth@hitler.rocks> wrote:
> Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka
> Mon Jan 8 11:57:03 PST 2018r

> wrong list!
I do not know who this was intended for but thank you for sharing it here!!!

Oh, I wanted to share the joke on this list, but shared it on another one because I was a bit busy and distracted...  My fail, sorry!  :P 

I have included it as an attachment, meinfewer.png, since we know how
the niggers that run the internet like to erase information.

Err... The "niggers"?  Please, don't use my silly joke to attack and offend black people.  Black lives matter exactly the same than yours or mine.  All the lives are important and mine is _not_ more precious than James', Zenaan's, or Trump's lives.  And vice versa, of course!  :D