As a person with a degree in chemistry, I doubt that 24 grams of vitamin C ("ascorbic acid") is "too much acidity". And even if it were, they could neutralize that acidity by reacting it with a base, like sodium, potassium, calcium, or magnesium, and take it in pill form. Much simpler than an IV drip. Over the last week or so, I have looked into a report from early February 2020 that pointed to an old anti-malarial drug chloroquine as impeding the reproduction of this COVID-19 virus "in vitro", meaning in the laboratory. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41422-020-0282-0 (As opposed to "in vivo", in a human body.). A similar report of this nature appeared in 2004. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15351731 It appears that testing of chloroquine is already occurring in China. I have read that chloroquine is an over-the-counter (non-prescription) drug in China. Chloroquine has a 45-55 day 'half-life' in the human body. It does have some significant toxicity issues. I expect that dosage will be something like, 'take 2-4 250mg pills, then after 30 days take another pill, then after 30 days take another pill, etc.' Jim Bell On Saturday, February 15, 2020, 01:35:53 AM PST, Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote: 24gm may well be too much acidity for the human body. Eckhard Rohric in Sydney Australia, was giving 2gm (2000mg) per day intravenous to cancer patients, and having significant success. Hopefully Wuhan U. will discover if 24gm/day over a week, is too much. On Sat, Feb 15, 2020 at 04:44:19PM +1000, Gil May wrote:
*Coronavirus Patients in China to be Treated with High-Dose Vitamin C in New Clinical Trial*
by Andrew W. Saul, Editor <http://orthomolecular.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&chash=42a0e188f5033bc65bf8d78622277c4e.140&s=d185c2708608bef09bdb5476e2a16d33> Orthomolecular Medicine News Service <http://orthomolecular.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&chash=42a0e188f5033bc65bf8d78622277c4e.140&s=d185c2708608bef09bdb5476e2a16d33>
(OMNS February 13, 2020) Breaking news: China is conducting a clinical trial of 24,000 mg/day of intravenous vitamin C to treat patients with coronavirus and severe respiratory complications. Participants will receive IV vitamin C for 7 days straight at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University. Honor and thanks are due to Zhiyong Peng, MD, for making this happen. He is chief physician and professor at the hospital, which is close to ground zero for coronavirus. This important study was filed and announced yesterday and details may be confirmed at https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04264533 <https://orthomolecular.acemlna.com/lt.php?notrack=1&s=d185c2708608bef09bdb5476e2a16d33&i=136A140A1A6283>
*At Zhongnan Hospital in Wuhan, China, 24,000 mg of vitamin C will be administered to coronavirus patients, intravenously, each day for 7 days.*
To fight a dangerous virus for which there is no existing medical treatment, you must rely on your own immune system. It is well established, in every nutrition textbook ever written, that you need vitamin C to make your immune system work well, or to even work at all. Inadequate vitamin C intake is a worldwide problem that can be immediately and economically fixed. With even modest amounts of supplemental vitamin C, deaths will decrease. In one study, a mere 200 mg of vitamin C/day resulted in an *80% decrease in deaths among severely ill, hospitalized respiratory disease patients.* [Hunt C et al. *Int J Vitam Nutr Res* 1994;64:212-19.] http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n09.shtml <https://orthomolecular.acemlna.com/lt.php?notrack=1&s=d185c2708608bef09bdb5476e2a16d33&i=136A140A1A6284>
Another recent study used this same low 200 mg dose for infants and children under five years of age, with severe pneumonia. The authors concluded that
*“Vitamin C is effective in reducing duration of severe pneumonia in children less than five years of age. Oxygen saturation was improved in less than one day.”** [Khan IM et al. J Rawalpindi Med Coll (JRMC); 2014;18(1):55-57 http://www.journalrmc.com/volumes/1405749894.pdf <https://orthomolecular.acemlna.com/lt.php?notrack=1&s=d185c2708608bef09bdb5476e2a16d33&i=136A140A1A6285> ]*
A lack of vitamin C has been long known, literally for decades, to increase susceptibility to viruses. http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n06.shtml <https://orthomolecular.acemlna.com/lt.php?notrack=1&s=d185c2708608bef09bdb5476e2a16d33&i=136A140A1A6259>
It is one thing to be sick from a virus and another thing entirely to die from a viral-instigated disease. The greatest danger with coronavirus is escalation to pneumonia. For this, much higher doses of vitamin C are indicated, preferably by IV.
How to administer high-dose intravenous vitamin C in hospital, Chinese language edition, is now posted for free access at http://www.doctoryourself.com/Coronavirus_Chinese_IV_C_Protocol.pdf <https://orthomolecular.acemlna.com/lt.php?notrack=1&s=d185c2708608bef09bdb5476e2a16d33&i=136A140A1A6271> .
This information is now being publicized all over Asia. Just because it is not on the American news channels doesn’t mean it’s not happening. It is. This is real news. The fake news is the media’s neglect in not reporting it. And here is the protocol in English, to make reporting all the easier: http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n07.shtml <https://orthomolecular.acemlna.com/lt.php?notrack=1&s=d185c2708608bef09bdb5476e2a16d33&i=136A140A1A6270>
*(OMNS Editor-in-Chief Andrew W. Saul is a member of the Medical and Scientific Advisory Board to the International Intravenous Vitamin C China Epidemic Medical Support Team. Its director is Richard Z. Cheng, MD, PhD; associate director is Hong Zhang, PhD. Other team members that American readers will recognize include Jeanne Drisko, MD (Professor, University of Kansas Medical School); Thomas Levy, MD, JD; and Atsuo Yanagisawa, MD, PhD. (Professor, Kyorin University, Tokyo).*
*Intravenous Vitamin C Protocol in English: http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n07.shtml <https://orthomolecular.acemlna.com/lt.php?notrack=1&s=d185c2708608bef09bdb5476e2a16d33&i=136A140A1A6270>*
*IVC Protocol in Chinese: http://www.doctoryourself.com/Coronavirus_Chinese_IV_C_Protocol.pdf <https://orthomolecular.acemlna.com/lt.php?notrack=1&s=d185c2708608bef09bdb5476e2a16d33&i=136A140A1A6271>*