Multiple factors, dynamics, and experience are now aligned. Though the required nextgen tech for a truly based wave of Freedom has not yet reached exposure, it will soon appear, be recognized, and begin to shift top positions. In the meantime, the next wave of the current generation of coins has begun. The rocket engines have been lit, uplift has begun, and remaining fence-sitters are now scrambling to make their allocations before the continuous acceleration from global inflows leaves the no-coiners behind. Ever since the Genesis, Cryptocurrency *IS* the future... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNmRZsBKdq8 https://v.redd.it/e5z3vr3oxz3c1 HODL on, and enjoy the ride... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ao4RCon11eY Options to pay me later will exist ;)